You've heard a deathcore vocalist do a pig squeal over blast-beats, but have you actually ever heard a real pig squeal over blast beats? Would you be able to spot the difference? That's the challenge we posed to Lorna Shore vocalist Will Ramos — one of the most animalistic, nightmarishly fiendish frontmen in extreme music — in a game we call "Man or Beast?" Can this deathcore expert identify whether the vocal he's hearing is a goregrind screamer or an angry grizzly bear? A Dying Fetus breakdown or a distressed camel? Watch above to see how many Ramos got right — and which ones he got wrong. Play along and let us know how many you got right (and wrong) in the comments below! Backing tracks by White Bat Audio, R H, Dismentopia, JM Recordings and anders. --- Subscribe to our channel: --- Revolver on the web: Revolver on Shopify: Revolver on Facebook: Revolver on Twitter: Revolver on Instagram: Subscribe to the Revolver Newsletter: #lornashore #willramos #metal #heavymetal #challenge #vocalist #beast #animal #deathcore #AndIReturntoNothingness #deathmetal #extrememetal #metalcore #tothehellfire #dyingfetus #cannibalcorpse #corpsegrinder #morbidangel #jobforacowboy #suffocation #suicidesilence #carnifex #cookiemonstervocals #deathcorevocals #metalvocals #pigsqueal #deathmetalvocals
Live performances from your favorite artists filmed by Revolver

Power Trip Live at Elsewhere

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Ice Nine Kills live from St. Vitus

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Soulfly Live at Gramercy Theatre

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Windhand Live at Elsewhere

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An in-depth look at the creation and legacy of Korn's trailblazing debut.