Leigha Crout

Hastie Fellow

Leigha  Crout


Room 8101, Law School

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Ph.D. Candidate, King's College London

Masters in International Development, Cornell University

J.D. and LL.M., Notre Dame Law School


Leigha Crout's research interests include constitutional law and theory, international law, and human rights. She is the inaugural Rule of Law Fellow at the Neukom Center for the Rule of Law at Stanford Law School and a Research Associate with Oxford University's China, Law and Development Project.

Previously, she served as a Senior C.V. Starr Lecturer at Peking University in Shenzhen, China, where she taught transnational legal practice and a seminar on comparative law. Her works have been published or are forthcoming in several law journals, including Washington University Law Review, the Asian Journal of Comparative Law, and the Indiana International & Comparative Law Review. Leigha has been invited to share her work at Harvard Law School, the Overseas Chinese Women Protection Project, and as a Berger Panelist at Cornell Law School's Berger International Legal Studies Program, among other engagements.

Leigha received her Masters in International Development from Cornell University and her J.D. and LL.M. magna cum laude from the University of Notre Dame Law School.

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