Center for Instructional Technology and Training - University of Florida

Center for Instructional Technology & Training

Teaching with Technology (5/13-6/9)

The Teaching with Technology certificate of completion is online, facilitated, asynchronous, and consists of two workshops. The workshops explore ways to increase student engagement and improve instructor presence by providing participants with strategies and tools to create a technology-enhanced learning environment. This series will address fundamentals, methods, and implementation of technology to improve the overall learning experience.

Recent Bulletins

Accommodations Are Not Enough: Changes to Accessibility Regulations

a black and white photograph of activists marching in New York City to demand passage of disability rights legislation. The diverse group includes several people with visible disabilities, and two activists hold a large banner that says “injustice everywhere is a threat to justice everywhere” and attributes the quote to Martin Luther King Jr.

The Department of Justice has updated its regulations to Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act to clarify the requirements for digital access to resources on the websites of public entities, which include state universities. Under the new regulations, all online content must be accessible to people with disabilities.

Who can I chat with? UF Chatbot tools!

It seems like everyone has an AI tool these days! Before you try all the tools out there, it’s important to consider the safety of your data and privacy. Do you really want your material to train chatbots and possibly become accessible to others?

AI Foundations Certificate Program

Are you curious about the world of artificial intelligence? The AI Foundations Certificate Program at the University of Florida offers an exciting opportunity for you to gain valuable skills into the world of AI.

Recap of Tech Byte: Elevated AI Recipes to Encourage Authentic Assessment

Chris Sharp and Leslie Mojeiko dressed up as culinary chefs and holding books about teaching with AI

My colleague Chris Sharp and I went back to the Tech Kitchen last week to share more of our AI Prompt Cookbook: Elevated AI Recipes to Encourage Authentic Assessment (in true cooking blog fashion, scroll to the bottom of this post to find the recipes!). We paired authentic assessments with generative artificial intelligence (generative AI) to help address some of the issues they present on their own:

Growing Teamwork Skills in Your Class? Pick FeedbackFruits This Spring!

Group work not only elevates student performance but also enhances the overall learning experience. However, ensuring equitable contributions from all group members can be a challenge for educators. Enter FeedbackFruits Group Member Evaluation (GME) – a revolutionary tool designed to empower students and provide instructors with transparent insights into group dynamics. 

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