Frymoyer Scholars Program

Through the Frymoyer Scholars Program, the John W. and Nan P. Frymoyer Fund for Medical Education supports physicians and nurses who are actively engaged in teaching University of Vermont medical and nursing students and who embody the best qualities of the clinician teacher.

About the Program

The Frymoyer Scholars Program is an investment in outstanding medical education and promotes teaching that emphasizes the art of interprofessional collaborative patient care.

Individuals selected as Frymoyer Scholars are awarded up to $25,000 a year for two years to develop innovative educational products or programs and/or to improve their teaching skills and in turn the relationship between clinician and patient. These funds should be used to complete a project or take courses in faculty development/bedside teaching that might not otherwise be done due to lack of funding. For more information, please contact the Teaching Academy at

About the Frymoyer Fund

The Frymoyer Fund pays tribute to the deep legacy of the late John Frymoyer, M.D., dean of UVM’s Larner College of Medicine from 1991 to 1999, and his wife Nan, a community health nurse who had a strong interest in patient advocacy. The fund was established in 2000 through generous donations from J. Warren and Lois McClure, the Frymoyers, and many others who wanted to honor John and Nan, including the Larner College of Medicine Alumni Association.

The Frymoyer Scholars Program Call for Proposals for 2025 is now open! See below for details.

2024 Frymoyer Scholars Program Recipient
Whitney Calkins, M.D.; Christina Vollbrecht; Alyssa Tenney; Molly Hurd; Sarah Krumholz
Department of Family Medicine  A Multimodal Approach to Bridging Gaps in Nutrition Education: A Culinary Medicine Experience

Frymoyer Scholars Program Call for Proposals

Supported Activities


Individuals selected as Frymoyer Scholars are awarded up to $25,000 per year for two years to develop innovative educational products or programs and/or to improve their teaching skills and in turn the relationship between physicians and nurses and patients and their families. These funds should be used to complete a project or take courses in faculty development that might not otherwise be done due to lack of funding. The number of recipients will vary each year based on available funds. Monies may be distributed among the costs of salary support and resources to accomplish the proposed project.

For example, activities eligible for support may include:

  • Development of curriculum innovations.
  • Improvement of one’s contribution or teaching skills related to clinical care.
  • Creation of programs that demonstrate to students, faculty or community members how to teach outstanding patient care.
  • Financial support to attend national professional meetings and courses dedicated to clinical teaching.



Physicians and nurses actively engaged in clinical patient care and educating University of Vermont medical or nursing students, and others in postgraduate training (e.g., residents and graduate students) in the context of that patient care are eligible to be designated as Frymoyer Scholars. At least one of the investigators must have a UVM faculty appointment.

Components of the Proposal


Applicants for the Frymoyer Scholars Program should submit the following:

  • Application Cover Page with contact information for the Principal Investigator and any co-investigators.
  • One-page Statement of Intent including why you are interested in applying, details of your commitment to patient and family-centered care and education, and your qualifications specific to your proposal.
  • Two-page Description of your proposed project or use of the funds. Please use the Checklist for the Two-page Description.
  • A detailed Budget for salary support and project resources. Please use the Budget Template.
    Curriculum Vitae for each investigator.
  • Letter of Support. Each investigator must provide one letter of support from their division chief, chair, or supervisor confirming qualifications and support to undertake your proposed project. You are highly encouraged to include letters of support from other relevant entities that will be involved in the completion of your proposed project (e.g., IT/tech services, community partners, Simulation Lab, stewards of physical spaces).

Application Materials

Submissions and Timetable


Proposals should be submitted on or before March 1, 2025, via email to: with the subject "Proposal for the Frymoyer Scholars Committee."

The entire proposal, including the application cover page, statement of intent, project description, budget, CV, and letters of support MUST be submitted as a single PDF document. Proposals that do not meet this requirement will NOT be reviewed.

  • Awards will be announced no later than April 26, 2025. Grant-supported activities may commence any time after June 30, 2025.

Selection Criteria


The Frymoyer Scholars Committee will make awards based upon:

  • Quality of the proposal.
  • Strength of the proposal’s contribution to improvement of the relationship between physicians and nurses and patients and their families
  • Evidence of commitment to clinical education, commitment to project, and support of department/division/program.
  • Priority is typically given to proposals describing new initiatives.

Selection Criteria Rubric (PDF).

Evaluation and Monitoring


Frymoyer Scholars will be required to submit annual progress and expenditure reports in March of the first year to receive second year funding. Projects will be evaluated annually by members of the Frymoyer Scholars Committee. Submission of a brief Final Report is required at the end of the second year, to close the awarded project budget.  Scholars will be invited to discuss their projects and may be asked to report on their progress or findings to the Larner College of Medicine, College of Nursing and Health Sciences, or UVM Health Network.

Questions about proposals or requests for further assistance should be directed to: The Teaching Academy at

24 Years of Frymoyer Scholars



  • Whitney Calkins, M.D.; Christina Vollbrecht; Alyssa Tenney; Molly Hurd; Sarah Krumholz
    A Multimodal Approach to Bridging Gaps in Nutrition Education: A Culinary Medicine Experience


  • Bronwyn Bryant, M.D.
    Consequential Validity of Entrustable Professional Activities in Pathology Residency Training
  • Justin DeAngelis, M.D.; Mackenzie Delzer, M.D.
    Turn Transition to Residency Training Courses into Academic Success Throughout Residency Using Novel Educational Techniques
  • Laura Mulvey, M.D.; Daniel Ackil, M.D.; Daniel Bak, M.D.; KC Collier, M.D.; Jordan Ship, M.D.; Julie Vieth, M.D.; Ashley Weisman, M.D.; Luke Wohlford, M.D.; Bruce Barry, R.N., Paramedic; Rachel Bombardier MS3
    In Situ Simulation in the Critical Access Hospital


  • Jennifer Covino, M.D.; Nathaniel Meuser-Herr, M.D.; Colleen Pennington, B.S.N., R.N.; Disa Seymour, M.S., RNC-MNN 
    Improving Newborn Resuscitation in the Community Hospital Setting with Physician-Nurse Led Distributed Practice of Simulation and Structured Debriefing
  • Emily Greenberger, M.D.; Jamie Rowell, M.D.; Jess VanNostrand, M.D.; Karen Dearborn, R.N.; Katie Dezotelle, R.N.; Teah Cardeilhac, R.N.; Deirdre O’Reilly, M.D., M.P.H.
    Fostering the Qualities of Excellent Clinical Teachers in Medicine: Interprofessional Collaboration for Feedback, Coaching, and Assessment in Medical Education
  • Katie Wells, MD, MPH; Ashley McCormick, DO; Cate Nicholas, MS, PA, EdD ; Kathryn Collier, MD; Robert Althoff, MD; Nat Mulkey, MD; Kathy Walsh, MD; Eli Goldberg, MD; Laura Mulvey, MD; Emily Reed, MSW; Kyle DeWitt, PharmD; Louisa Smith, BSN, RN; Christopher Doran, BSN, RN; Erica Carlson, BSN, RN; Raenetta Liberty, MSN, RN; Alison Segar, MSW; Kell Arbor, MA 
    Building an Interdisciplinary Gender Affirming Care Model in the Emergency Department


  • Heather Herrington, M.D.; Keith Robinson, M.D.;  Katie Dezotelle, R.N.; Mark Bisanzo, M.D.; Kevin Abnet, M.D.; Liz Denton, R.R.T.; Mike King, R.N.; Liz Ulano, M.D.; Kate Soons, R.N. 
    Improved Management of Pediatric Difficult Airways Through Creation of a Collaborative, Interprofessional Workgroup
  • Naomi Hodde, M.D.; Kacey Boyle, R.N.; Jennifer Hauptman, M.S.W.: Stephen Berns, M.D., FAAHPM 
    What’s in the Secret Sauce? Investigating and Designing IPE Best Practices for Serious Illness Communication Trainings


  • Sarah Harm, M.D.; Leigh Ann Holterman, Ph.D. 
    Kids in the Lab: An Interactive Laboratory-based Education Program for Pediatric Patients and their Families
  • Lili Martin, M.S.N., R.N., PCCN; Jane Nathan, Ph.D.
    Nursing Stress Management and Resiliency Training for Nursing Students      


  • Rebecca Bell, M.D., M.P.H.; Thomas Delaney, Ph.D.; Richard "Mort" Wasserman, M.D.
    Firearm Injury Prevention Screening and Counseling
  • Bronwyn Bryant, M.D.
    Validating Entrustable Professional Activity-Based Assessment to Determine On-Call Competency in Pathology Residents
  • Fuyuki Hirashima, M.D.; Rebecca Wilson, R.N.; Nicholas Bedrin, M.D.; Serena Murphy, M.D.; Stephen Ranney, M.D.
    Establishing UVMMC as a Training Institute and Center of Excellence for Cardiac Surgery Unit Advance Life Support
  • Rebecca Nagle, M.S.N., A.P.R.N.; Christina Harlow, D.N.P., FNP-BC, A.P.R.N.; Leah Pryor; Emily Clairmont; Jana Lichtenfeld, M.D., FAAP
    Integrative Nutrition Teaching Kitchen and Inter-professional Community Service Learning Curriculum
  • Iris Toedt-Pingel, M.D.; Kaitlin Ostrander, M.D.; Stephen Berns, M.D.
    TalkVermontPEDS: Creating an Interprofessional Pediatric Advanced Communication Course


  • Travis Beebe-Woodard, R.N., B.S.N.
    Trauma Nurse Fellowship
  • Andrew Hale, M.D., Steve Lidofsky, M.D., Ph.D.
    Optimizing Care for Vermonters Infected with Hepatitis C Virus through a Statewide Educational Curriculum
  • Jana Lichtenfeld, M.D., M.P.H., Diane Imrie, M.B.A., R.D., Cathy McIsaac, M.S. R.D., Rebecca Wilcox, M.D., Cara Feldman-Hunt, M.A.
    Culinary Medicine Teaching Kitchen Medical Student Elective
  • Mary Palumbo, D.N.P., A.P.R.N., William Pendlebury, M.D.; Lori P. McKenna, M.S.W., L.I.C.S.W.; Betty Rambur, Ph.D., R.N., FAAN
    Disseminating a Plan for Improved Care of Persons with Alzheimer's Disease and their Family Caregivers for the State of Vermont
  • Molly Rideout, M.D., Laura Datillio, R.N., Katie Dezotelle, R.N., Beth Noyes, Pharm.D., William Raszka, M.D.
    Development of a Longitudinal Pediatric Residency Preparation Course


  • Laura McCray, M.D., M.S.C.E., Jane Nathan, Ph.D., Nathalie Feldman, M.D. 
    Stress Management and Resiliency Training for Residents (SMART-R) and Medical Students
  • Dennis R. Beatty, M.D.
    Developing and applying a longitudinal clinical reasoning curriculum across all four years of training at the University of Vermont Larner College of Medicine
  • David Rand, D.O., M.P.H., Shaden Eldakar, M.D., M.S., Nancy P. LeMieux, M.S.N., R.N., C.H.S.E. 
    Conversation About End of Life Wishes: Teaching Trainees to Facilitate Code Status Discussions
  • Halle Sobel, M.D., FACP, Sanchit Maruti, M.D. 
    Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) Integration into a Primary Care Internal Medicine Residency: A Novel Interprofessional Addiction Treatment Curriculum
  • Jerry Larrabee, M.D., M. Mercedes Avila, Ph.D.
    Health Care Disparities in Vermont: A Curriculum for Health Care Workers, Trainees, and Students


  • Renee Stapleton, M.D., Ph.D., Amy O'Meara, DrNP
    Enhancing Education, Resources, and Opportunities in Biomedical Research for Doctor of Medicine and Doctor of Nursing Practice
  • Karen Leonard, M.D., Joanne Barton, R.N. 
    Development of a Family Centered Rounds Multidisciplinary Curriculum
  • Patrick Delaney, R.N., C.R.N., Aimee Wilson, R.N. 
    Establishing an Inter-Professional Simulation Curriculum for Care of the High-Acuity Burn Patient
  • Martha Seagrave, PA-C, B.S.N, Felix Hernandez, M.D.
    University of Vermont College of Medicine Rural Health Track
  • Michael Upton, M.D.
    Development of a Curriculum to Create Cultural Competence in Providing Care to LGBT Patients


  • Jason Bartsch, M.D., Rachel McEntee, M.D.
    Rapid Response Team Simulation: Teaching Interprofessional Communication and Clinical Reasoning to Improve Patient Care
  • Jason Garbarino, R.N., M.S.N., C.N.L., Stephen Leffler, M.D.
    Development of a Clinical Nurse Leader Clinical Faculty Role: Advancing Quality Care at the University of Vermont Medical Center
  • Rebecca Wilcox, M.D., Leah Burke, M.D., Tamara Williams, Ph.D.
    Targeted Expansion and Integration of Genetics and Genomics Throughout the Vermont Integrated Curriculum (VIC)


  • Hirak Der-Torossian, M.D., M.P.H.
    Curriculum Design and Creation of a free online course for Medical and Nursing Students: Writing Research Protocols Suitable for Submission to the UVM Institutional Review Board
  • Anne Dougherty, M.D.
    Development of a Global Women’s Health Curriculum for Medical Students and Residents


  • Charlotte Reback, M.D.
    Building Bedside Competence in Medical Students through “Active Learning”


  • Laurie Leclair, M.D.
    Simulation Training for Multidisciplinary Intensive Care Unit Teams: Active Learning to Promote Best Practice
  • Patricia King, M.D., Ph.D.
    Teaching Professionalism through Lessons from the Board of Medical Practice
  • Ursula A. McVeigh, M.D., Jean Coffey, Ph.D., A.P.R.N., C.P.N.P.
    Palliative Care Education
  • Marie Sandoval, M.D., Mary Val Palumbo, D.N.P., A.P.R.N.
    Developing Best Practices in Communication when using the Electronic Health Record for Nurse Practitioner and Medical Students and their Preceptors


  • Ted James, M.D. and Celia Cohen, R.N.
    Teaching and assessing health communication skills, professionalism, and inter-professional communication through a series of simulated clinical management scenarios.


  • Mark Gorman, M.D.
    Web-based, Interactive Stroke Teaching
  • Paula Duncan, M.D.
    Shared Decision-making and Strength Based Approaches
  • Laura McCray, M.D.
    Preventing Burnout: The Development of a Medical Student and Resident Physician Wellness Curriculum
  • Jan Carney, M.D.; Susan Greenfield, Ph.D., RN; Hendrika Maltby, Ph.D., R.N.
    Second Life: Simulating Public Health for Medical and Nursing Students


  • Richard Pinckney, M.D., M.P.H.
    The Art of Compassion: A Workshop Series for Medical Professionals


  • Robert Karp, M.D.
    Improving Basic Medical Student Competencies in Clinical Geriatrics
  • Nancy Morris, Ph.D., A.P.R.N.; Peter Igneri, PA-C, M.M.Sc.
    Communication and Psycho-Motor Skills for Minor Office Procedures to Improve Access and Enhance Quality Care


  • Chuck Mercier, M.D. and Catherine Muskus, R.N.
    Communication and Team Work: The Key to Quality Health Care an Interdisciplinary Workshop Using High Fidelity Simulation
  • Judith Lewis, M.D.
    Development of Web-based Educational Material for Education in Psychiatry


  • Beth Kirkpatrick, M.D., Louis Polish, M.D., Hendricka Maltby, Ph.D., R.N., Chris Huston, M.D., Burt Wilcke, Ph.D.
    Global Health Education and Training for Health Care Professionals at the University of Vermont
  • William Raszka, M.D., Jill Jemison, Cate Nicholas, Ed.D.
    Using Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) to Improve Medical Student Patient Care Skills and Knowledge


  • Charles Hulse, M.D.
    Vermont Program on Ecology and Health
  • Mario Trabulsy, M.D.
    Innovations in an Emergency Medicine Rotation 


  • Terry Rabinowitz, M.D. 
    Development and Implementation of a Telepsychiatry Consultation Teaching Program
  • Susan Goetschius, R.N.
    Building Nursing Expertise in Geriatrics: An Acute Care Clinical Model 


  • Virginia Hood, M.D.
    Studies Show: Interpreting the Results of Medical Studies for Patient
  • Robert Shapiro, M.D.
    Pharmaceutical Development and Prescriber Decision-Making


  • Christopher Grace, M.D. 
    Bioterrorism Education for Physicians, Nurses and Students
  • James Rathmell, M.D. and Todd Maughans, M.D.
    Developing Electronic Case Tutorials for the Neural Sciences course


  • David Little, M.D.
    Enhanced Teaching of Musculoskeletal Concepts
  • William Raszka, M.D. and Ann Wittpenn, M.D.
    Improving Medical Student Competency: A Proposal to Return to Bedside Teaching