The Humans at the Center of Human-Centered Design at Whitman

The Humans at the Center of Human-Centered Design at Whitman

Join a lively conversation with the five professors advising and teaching courses in Whitman's new concentration in Human-Centered Design.

By Whitman College

Date and time

Starts on Wednesday, August 16, 2023 · 4pm PDT



About this event

The Humans at the Center of Human-Centered Design at Whitman: Origins, Outcomes, and Next Steps

Use this link to join the Zoom at 4 p.m. PDT on Wednesday, August 16th.

Join a lively conversation with five professors who are advising and teaching courses in Whitman's new concentration in Human-Centered Design!

Program Co-Directors Janet Davis (Computer Science) and Justin Lincoln (Art) will define HCD, and describe the program and the innovative introductory course (HCD 101) being developed for its inaugural offering in Spring 2024. Professors William Bares (Computer Science), Sharon Alker (English), and Michelle Janning (Sociology) will share insights across their courses and projects that have included substantial HCD elements.

Student projects and outcomes will be shared relating to: design and technology workshops for children of the CTUIR; how the immersive world of literature allows us to design and iterate practical interventions for fictional problems using the techniques of design thinking (from the English course "Solving Wicked Problems: Technology, Literature, and the Brain"); and designs from a Sociology of Childhood Design course for improved communication among families with young children for the Walla Walla Valley Disability Network.

The session will include time for Q&A.

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