Office of Sustainability E-Waste Request Form
Please fill out the e-waste request form below if you meet any of the following criteria for college e-waste: 
  • You have a significant volume, heavy, and/or super bulky college e-waste that you need assistance in moving to the collection site
  • You have a significant volume, heavy, and/or super bulky college e-waste that you do not have a way to move to the collection site and need to arrange a pickup 
  • You couldn't make the drop-off event and it is time-sensitive, so you need to schedule a separate drop-off time for college e-waste at the collection site
A representative from the Office of Sustainability will be in touch within 5 business days about your request during the academic year. If you have any questions about what qualifies as e-waste, either check out our website or ask in the last field below. 
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Please note that our program does NOT accept alkaline batteries manufactured in the US, which include AA or AAA batteries or the most common household batteries, like Duracell or Energizer. This is because alkaline batteries can be safely put in your household trash since they no longer contain mercury.  For more information about battery recycling, please visit the EPA Household Battery page. 

We DO accept the following types of batteries: 
- Button-cell or coin batteries
- Lithium single-use batteries 
- Any Rechargeable batteries

Automotive batteries should go to Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S). Please contact EH&S for those items. 
Is this e-waste:  *
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