Season of Gratitude & Generosity

Our annual Season of Gratitude and Generosity runs from Sunday, October 22 to Sunday, November 19.

Please join us in this intentional season of reflection and daily prayer. We invite you to give thanks to God for all that is good in your life and for all that we do here at St. B’s. And to be generous by making a promise of support for 2024.

  • We ask you to make a specific financial contribution to support God’s work at St. B’s in 2023. It helps us greatly to know in the fall of 2023 what our income will be in 2024, so that we can plan our budget.
  • We ask you to commit to engage with St. B’s, by offering your presence and participation in the life of our parish family.

Make your Promise of Support for next year at the button below

2024 Promise

Read FR. Josh's letter

Growing & Sharing in God's Abundance

They feast on the abundance of your house,

and you give them drink from the river of your delights. Psalm 36:8

What an amazing year it has been at St. Bartholomew’s! The brochure offers a brief snapshot of some of the ways we have grown and shared together this year. God’s grace has flowed in abundance in 2023!

As a parish we have so many reasons to express our gratitude. The arrival of Father Josh and the continued ministry of the Reverend Serena, the staff, vestry and hundreds of volunteers have led us in teaching, worship, service, and fellowship as we have continued to grow together in community.

At St. Bs, we are given the opportunity to each consider sharing a portion of our resources through our Season of Gratitude and Generosity. As parishioners we are asked to make our promise in response to God’s abundant outpouring to us.

Remember, in God’s economy our heart matters most. On behalf of the Stewardship Team, it is our hope that regardless of the portion of our resources that we share, each commitment and gift grows together to make God’s work in our parish, the community and the world around us.

If you are looking for guidance about giving, I've found this resource very helpful: Thank you for your prayerful consideration of your promise this year as we look forward to God’s plans for St. Bs in 2024.

Rodger Dinwiddie
Stewardship Chair

View this year's accompanying brochure with highlights from 2023, the stewardship prayer, and this year's budget through the button below. Pick one up at the church or email us and we will send you one in the mail. 

Growing and sharing in god's abundance Brochure

Promise of Support 2024

How much you give is between you and God. Telling the church how much you are going to give (A Promise of Support) helps the church budget for the following year. 

Three Ways to Make Your Promise of Support for 2024

1. Pick up a card at the church and drop it in the mail, at the church office or in the offering plate on Sunday. 

2. Email or call the church office and we will send you one in the mail. 

2. Make your promise online through the button below. 

Promise of Support

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Promise of Support? Your opportunity to make known your intention to support St. Bartholomew's as God has led you. This information helps the vestry make informed financial decisions and ensure good stewardship of parish resources. A promise is also a mark of membership. It is a way of saying, "I'm in. St. B's is my home and my people."

How much should I Promise? The traditional Biblical amount is 10% of your annual income, but it can be any %. Start with 1% and grow from there. Another way to think about this is to promise enough so that you remember it each month: it’s not so small that you can forget about it and it’s not so large that you can’t sleep at night. Remember the spiritual act of giving is what matters.

What if I don’t know what next year holds?

We suggest that you go ahead and make a promise that you are comfortable with and that you think you may be able to reach. Please remember that as a church one of our founding principles is grace. If circumstances change, your promise can change, too.

How can I pay my promise? By check (mailed or put in the offering plate), online (using credit card or ACH), stock gift. Give through our online platform >>> here.

How can I set up recurring payments? Through your bank's online bill-pay or through St. B's online giving platform (Breeze) >>> here.

Do you accept pre-payments? Absolutely – please be sure to note with the gift the pledge year it should be associated with. 

What if I need to change my Promise of Support? We understand circumstances change, if you need to decrease or increase your Promise, just let us know. 

If you have further questions, please contact Parish Administrator Charity Voiles.