In Tennessee we find ourselves faced with seemingly intractable problems. Issues that are characterized by complexity, varied perspectives and obscured paths forward. We have come to label these problems as Grand Challenges.
These Grand Challenges will require collaboration to conquer. With five campuses and two statewide institutes, the University of Tennessee is in a unique position to work together to make an impact toward overcoming these challenges.
In order for the University to shift attention and resources to some of the most pressing statewide problems, we must first define these issues and establish consensus across the state as to the importance and feasibility of solving them.
To this end, I am requesting your opinions and insights on what our most pressing challenges are and where our priorities related to these issues should be placed.
With your help, our process will look like this:
- Define the most pressing problems of our day.
- Prioritize activity based on existing resources and expertise.
- Build collaborations to find solutions and improve the lives of Tennesseans everywhere.
We believe that together with the people and communities of Tennessee we can solve these difficult challenges and create an extraordinary future for our state. Please fill out this survey and let’s get started!