NE District Convention Wrap Up ~ News ~ and more
NE District Convention Wrap Up ~ News ~ and more
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News from the Northeast

April 4, 2023
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In This Issue

Message from Yvette Bergman
Take Away Tips for Your Sisterhood
Northeast District Convention Wrap-Up
Upcoming Event
Calls to Action
A View from Canada
News from WRJ
Other News
Wanted! Your Stories
Calendar and Other Resources
Did You Know? Women Save the Day Again

Message from Yvette Bergman
President, WRJ Northeast District

I am Yvette Bergman, the newly elected president of WRJ Northeast District. This is a transition time in leadership for our District, and I am excited to embark on this journey. WRJ changed its logo this year and so has the District. We have a new look, but we remain a bridge to WRJ North America. We continue to be a way to reach the wider Jewish world and have our reform Jewish women’s voices heard.

With this transition in leadership, the District is taking a close look at what has been done in the past to see what might benefit from tweaks and what new technologies may help us better connect to each other. While we will be continuing regularly-scheduled Zoom schmooze sessions, we will also be creating book discussions to talk and share. We will create new opportunities to get together by having watch parties for streaming programming that WRJ NE will provide, so we can gather in small groups. We will keep our area directors talking to our sisterhood presidents and have Kevuda (our board alumni group) sharing information with our individual members. These activities will help us all feel a part of the District.

We are unstoppable when we partner together with you. The District opens its doors for your participation. If you are interested in getting more involved, joining a committee or task force is a great way to do so. Just let me know. Committees include working on programming and events, technology, social advocacy, social action, communications, social media, philanthropy, and more. Just reach out, and I am happy to discuss options. My wish for each of you is to have this same sense of community that I feel and that we all grow and develop through the connections we make together. I look forward to working with you.

Yvette Bergman
WRJ Northeast District

Take Away Tips for Your Sisterhood

If you want to share the eblast with other members of your sisterhood, there are SHARE buttons at the top and bottom of the eblast for various platforms. 
Want to set up a Facebook page for your sisterhood but are looking for more ideas for posts? Check out the Northeast District Facebook Page and click on the SHARE button at the bottom of the posts and save yourself time. After all, we already did the work and we are happy to help you.
Want to look at the slides from a sesstion that you attended at Convention or have more questions about something you heard there? You will find much of that information on our Northeast District Yammer Page. And while you are on Yammer, check out some of the other resources that are there including programming ideas, flyers, services, and so much more! 

Northeast District Convention Wrap-Up
March 23 - 26, 2023

Four Fun-Filled Days of Sisterhood, Spirituality, and Social Action

Our four-day Northeast District Convention in March was AMAZING! It was so nice to feel like we were getting back to the warmth and joy of having an in-person convention. Special thanks go to convention chair Michelle Rosen and the MANY committees for creating such an incredible weekend. Betty Weiner organized a very successful YES Fund luncheon and online auction. From services to learning sessions to chocolate tasting to meals to just being together, the weekend felt magical. We had several special guests from both the WRJ North American board and the WRJ main office. Special thanks to our guest for the weekend, Judy Wexler - WRJ vice president of member services, and to our fantastic spiritual and musical guest, Rabbi Deborah Zecher. We had many new attendees with us for the convention and were so happy to get to know them. We were also proud to have both Rabbi Marla Feldman, WRJ executive director, and Sara Charney, president of WRJ, who both just happen to be Northeast District members.
We have so much to be proud of in our district. You can best hear how the convention was by hearing what is said about it:
  •  "Meeting women from all over the region was a favorite as well as being able to chat with board members. The best tip is - realize you're doing better than you think and update your organization as it needs." -Roni
  • "We always have the opportunity to play Jewish geography at meals and it's always amazing when we learn the intersection of people we know." -Michelle
  •  "There is nothing like 70 women praying together." -Beth
  •  "It was such an honor to read Torah for this incredible group of women!!!" -Marilyn
  •  "What a pleasure to spend time with WRJ NE!" -Rabbi Zamore, WRN

  • Tribute Tree

    Our beautiful new Tribute Tree is actually a Tribute Quilt created by Northeast District members Kathy Francos (seen here), Diane Heiman, Stephanie Jacobson, and Phyllis Rosenberg. They created apples, pomegranates, and leaves to represent the different levels of donation to honor our District women and guests. It looks even more beautiful in person. Donations to the Tribute Tree along with those made during our YES Fund Luncheon featuring Rabbi Mary Zamore, Executive Director of the Women’s Rabbinic Network (WRN), helped us exceed our fundraising goals.

    Our Social Action Project - Art Supplies for the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Waterbury

    We collected various art supplies to share with a local Connecticut children's organization. The organization and the children sent us these pictures and their thanks saying, "Your generosity will inspire lots of creativity!"

    WRJ Northeast District ladies having fun at Convention!

    Upcoming Event

    Thursday, April 13, 7:30 p.m.
    Human Trafficking
    Temple Har Zion, Toronto, Ontario 

    Temple Har Zion Sisterhood is presenting a program on Human Trafficking. What is it? What are the signs to watch for? What support is out there? Presented by Toronto Victim Services. All are welcome to attend either in person or on Zoom.

    Calls to Action:
    Reform Movement Initiatives

    Urge the US Senate to Pass the Women’s Health Protection Act

    It’s time to codify abortion rights in law. Urge the Senate to pass the Women’s Health Protection Act, which would establish a legal right for health care providers to provide, and for their patients to receive, abortion services free of restrictions and bans that delay or obstruct access to care. The House passed the bill in September; now it’s time for the Senate to act.

    Combating Antisemitism & Hate

    Amid an alarming rise in antisemitic rhetoric and violence, the Union for Reform Judaism has joined with the Anti-Defamation League, the world’s leading anti-hate organization, to create a multi-faceted partnership.

    Tell the US Congress to Ban Assault Weapons and Protect Our Communities

    Three months into 2023, and the United States has already experienced over 132 mass shootings (as of 3/27/23) with over 183 people killed and 498 injured according to the Gun Violence Archive.
    The Assault Weapons Ban was reintroduced in the Senate in January. This bill would prohibit semiautomatic assault weapons and large-capacity ammunition-feeding devices. Tell Congress to end senseless and preventable violence by supporting the Assault Weapons Ban.
    For comparison since we do include Canada as part of our District, there were a total of 4 mass shootings in Canada in all of 2022 which caused 10 deaths and 12 injuries.

    Reform Movement 2023 Justice Campaign:
    Day of Action in Washington, DC
    Wednesday and Thursday, May 10 and 11

    The Day of Action will serve as a peak moment in our movement-wide campaign. We will gather in Washington, deepen relationships, build community, and advocate for vital policy change through lobby meetings on Capitol Hill.

    A View from Canada

    In 2020, WRJ through the YES fund created a pilot grant called the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Initiative. The Reform Jewish Community in Canada was one of the recipients of the grant to work with Jewish and indigenous groups in the area of reconciliation.  
    In September of 2022, the Women’s Advocacy Group of Holy Blossom Temple in Toronto held a Zoom Webinar called “Reproductive Health, Rights and Justice in Canada.” This was presented as a response to the US Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. This decision raised questions about reproductive health care in Canada including: What is the status of access to reproductive health care in Canada? What does Judaism say about abortion? Where should we focus advocacy? The senior Rabbi of Holy Blossom, Yael Splansky, hosted a conversation with leaders in reproductive health, rights and justice.
    Many thanks to the Northeast District for their continued support of Camp George, which is located approximately two hours north of Toronto in Parry Sound Ontario.
    If this email is clipped, click "View Entire Message" at the end of the eblast to ensure that you have not missed any important updates and information.

    News from WRJ

    Save The Date
    Fried Women's Conference
    May 30 - June 2, 2024

    During this event, attendees will participate in various workshops and connect with other Reform women, experience meaningful Shabbat worship and music, learn from experts and each other, and enjoy time with WRJ leaders and friends. FWC attendees will leave feeling rejuvenated and, with the support of their WRJ sisters, better prepared to guide their sisterhoods and serve as leaders in both Jewish and secular communities.
    Stay tuned for more details about our 2024 conference!

    Other News

    Give the Gift of Camp

    Camp is more than a two-month experience. Camp builds life-long friendships, strengthens Jewish identity, and ensures an equitable Jewish future. Today, we’re asking you to help ensure a vibrant and accessible “Bubble” for campers by making your gift to the Eisner and Crane Lake Annual Campaign.
    We have already reached 65% of our pre-camp goal! Plus, every $3 donated right now will be matched $1 from the Harold Grinspoon Forward Together 2023 Fund!

    Pictures from YOUR Women's Seders
    for a Feature Article Next Month

    We are planning to do special monthly features on events in our sisterhoods around the District. For May, we want to feature pictures and stories about your women's seders. What makes your seder special? Favorite parts? Unique features? Let us know. Send your replies to us at
    Be sure to stay in contact with your Area Director as they are a great source of information on the District. Plus, they will be asking you more about your events to share with us. 
    Stay tuned for our special feature in the May Eblast!

    Calendar and Other Resources


    April is Stress Awareness Month and
    Sexual Assault Awareness & Prevention Month
    April 5 First Night of Passover
    April 12 Passover Ends at Nightfall
    April 17 Yom HaShoah
    April 20 Retirement Celebration in Chicago for Rabbi Marla Feldman
    April 22 Earth Day
    April 24-25 Yom HaZikaron - Israeli Memorial Day
    April 25-26 Yom HaAtzmaut - Israeli Independence Day

    Request a District Speaker

    Your sisterhood is entitled to a district speaker at no cost to your sisterhood.

    Need access to Yammer?

    Contact WRJ at 212-650-4050
    or send a note to

    Donate to the District

    Make a gift to WRJ Northeast District Fund (NDF) to say thank you, happy birthday, mazel tov, or to send get well wishes or condolences to your family members and friends. An acknowledgment will be emailed to each person whose email address is provided.
    The NDF enables the Northeast District to support our sisterhoods, women’s groups, and individual members.

    Did You Know?

    In the Passover Story, Women Save the Day, Once Again!

    Women’s roles are intrinsic to the Passover story. Five heroic women are highlighted at the very beginning of the story; biblical scholar Andrea L. Weiss recognizes them as having ensured the eventual deliverance of our people. In the first chapter of Exodus, Pharaoh commanded two midwives, Shifrah and Puah, to kill all Hebrew newborn boys with the hope of weakening and decreasing the Israelite population. They refused, and their excuse was quite believable, even back then: “[Hebrew women] are vigorous. Before the midwife can come to them, they have given birth.”
    Three more women saved and protected Moses’ life: Yocheved, Moses’ mother, no longer able to conceal her infant, placed Moses in a basket and set it along the Nile to be followed by his sister, Miriam. Miriam watched over her brother and interacted with Pharaoh’s daughter, who rescued baby Moses from the river. A non-Israelite, she defied her father’s decree to kill all Israelite boys and adopted him as her own son.
    These actions are nothing short of extraordinary, and together, these women saved our eventual leader and most distinguished of prophets. Now, if only he wanted the job…
    Painting from The Songs of Joy, c. 1896-1902, by James Jacques Joseph Tissot (French, 1836-1902). Courtesy of the Jewish Museum, New York.

    The Board of the Northeast District
    of Women of Reform Judiasm
    Wishes you a Zissen Pesach!
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    The next eblast will be sent on Tuesday, May 2.
    Send program listings, photos, and articles to by April 20.
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