*BirdSafe Erie Still in Need of Volunteers!*

Local to Erie? Can you spare 1-2 hours a week to Help Migrating Birds? BSE Needs YOU!

We would love to have a few more volunteers even for just one morning a week, to help lighten the load for everyone. You’ll need to get to Dobbins Landing by 7:00 AM on days when you volunteer. If you’d like to join the team working to save injured birds in Erie and help prevent future fatalities through monitoring and community outreach, please contact us at: BirdSafe_Erie@eriebirds.org

Help Monitor Bird-Window Strikes in Erie This Spring:
Sign Up Now to be a BirdSafe Erie volunteer!


It is estimated that 365–988 million birds die every year in North America after colliding with glass (see the American Bird Conservancy website for more information). In spring and fall, lighting in cities can disorient nocturnal migrants, attracting them into well lit areas, then these birds may collide with glass surfaces once dawn arrives. Some coastal cities have been found to have very high rates of bird collisions during spring and fall as a result of the concentrated passage of birds along coasts in combination with the attractiveness of lighting and the deadliness of glass.

Erie Bird Observatory is starting a new program in the City of Erie to determine the extent of bird mortality during migration here. For two months in spring (April and May) and two months in fall (September and October) we are seeking volunteers to walk certain routes in early morning, looking for dead and injured birds. Volunteers must sign up for training, and follow the protocol and route that is assigned. We will be trying to enlist enough people to cover multiple routes, seven days a week during these months. We expect each route to take an hour or less.

BirdSafe Erie is made possible thanks to support from Erie Bird Observatory partners: Tamarack Wildlife Center, Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR), and the Green Building Alliance.