Events / Roads to Success: Enhancing Medical Education in the Department of Medicine

Roads to Success: Enhancing Medical Education in the Department of Medicine

Farrell Learning and Teaching Center, 520 S Euclid Ave., St. Louis, MO 63110

The DOM Office of Education is excited to bring back Roads to Success for faculty educators following last year’s highly successful workshop.

Matt Freer, MD, explains a paracentesis procedure to fourth-year medical students in the capstone course at the Howard and Joyce Wood Simulation Center in the Farrell Learning and Teaching Center. MATT MILLER/WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE

This 1.5-day seminar will lead faculty through foundational aspects of teaching successfully in modern-day medical education. Join us to receive practical and actionable guidance for building an educational career path, enhancing teaching skills, supporting learner and educator wellness, and understanding patient safety & quality improvement education within the WashU/BJH system.

Breakfast and lunch will be provided each day. Participants that complete both days of the seminar will receive a course certificate.

Contact/Questions: Julie Byington (

Course Objectives

After completion of this course, participants should be able to:

1. Career Paths to Success

  • Outline different roads to career success within academic hospital medicine
  • Summarize career advancement strategies and promotion requirements
  • Draft a 1- and 5-year career plan
  • Identify ways to find a mentor
  • Discuss the habits of a successful mentee

2. Teaching Success

  • Illustrate techniques used by effective teaching team managers
  • Demonstrate techniques to foster a positive learning environment
  • Utilize effective low-inference feedback strategies
  • Create an effective miniature lecture (ie, ‘chalk talk’)

3. Wellness Success

  • Describe strategies to improve job satisfaction, personal wellness, and work-life integration  

4. QI/Patient Safety Success

  • Outline steps to starting a QI project at Barnes-Jewish Hospital (BJH)
  • List active QI projects within the Division of Hospital Medicine

Course Outline