The Mentorship to Enhance Diversity in Academia (MEDA) Program and the WUSTL Black Postdoctoral Association kicked off their Fall 2024 seminar series to a full house on October 31st. Department of Medicine Chair, Dr. Vicky Fraser shared her incredible career journey and provided valuable advice and insights.

On November 14th, Assistant Professor, Dr. Nelly Joseph-Mathurin, from the Department of Radiology presented an insightful talk on navigating your academic journey, having more than one mentor, being open to opportunities, and asking for help.

Dr. Marlene Cano presented our last career seminar of the fall semester on December 5th. Dr. Cano is an Instructor of Medicine in the Division of Pulmonary & Critical Care. Dr. Cano provided our attendees with valuable strategies for navigating a career in academic medicine.