Jesse Kornbluth

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  • 257 paid members
Thank you for being interested in And for reading this (I'll be brief.) And for -- please, please -- becoming a supporter.

I launched "for people with more taste than time" to praise books, movies, music and products I like. Unlike every other cultural concierge or online review, I had an original insight: I didn't have to write only about new stuff. Because just about everything ever released is available on Amazon, I could tell you about my all-time favorites, whenever they were created. As I say, "If it's new to you, it's new."

Since 2004, I've been publishing four days a week, except for a few weeks in August and again in December. (Even butlers need time off!) There are now almost 2,000 pieces in the archives. (I hesitate to call them "reviews" --- they're more like emails from an enthusiastic fan.)

I've loved writing these pieces. And your emails. And the close friendships I've formed with people I've never met.

I never saw Butler as a big money-maker. I just wanted it to stand on its own two feet --- to pay for itself. But the business model no longer works. Month after month, Butler is a cost.

If I'm to continue regular publication, I need some of my readers to help me pay the bills. 

Note: Patreon's screens suggest that a donation of $1 is fine. Not to be an ingrate, but unless thousands of you pledge $1, that small a donation is of no help to me.

What will you get if you make a monthly pledge? Simple --- you'll get exactly what the readers who don't chip in will get: Butler four (or maybe three) days a week. Does that seem unfair? Well, that set-up --- some subscribe, some get it free --- seems to be working pretty well for NPR and my favorite radio station, WFUV.


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Jesse Kornbluth

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