NBC5 News @ 5:30
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as the president works to strike a deal on a massive infrastructure plan. > it's really been all we've been waiting for> And -- áGROWING excitement... To be áCENTER stage -- once again. now> Good evening, I'm stewart ledbetter. Up top tonight: white house between president biden and a leading republican senator as the two sides try to hammer out a compromise on an infrastructure plan. Nbc5's sally kidd is in washington with details. This meeting was viewed as one of the last opportunities to cut a deal.....with both sides indicating that they want to find common ground. Pkg. Script:) make or break time on infrastructure. President biden meeting privately at the white house with lead republican negotiator sen. Shelley moore capito. press secretary "he wants to make progress. His only line in the sand is inaction. He wants to sign a bill into law this summer." > But the two sides are far apart: democrats proposing 1.7 trillion in spending; republicans countering with 928 billion. co- chair, problem solvers caucus "where things break down of course is how are you going to pay for it and what's the scope. I'm seeing a lot of progress there."> levine/politico "i think this week is really pivotal because democrats are feeling pressure at the moment to make a decision soon about whether or not this is going to be a bipartisan package." > One of the big sticking points - how to pay for it. minority leader "take the gas tax-- produces this amount of money- figure out how much more you want to spend, and let's talk about plugging the gap." > new jersey "republicans, many of them seem to want middle class americans to pay for this with higher gas taxes; I would like to see, for example, amazon pay taxes."> Democrats want to increase the corporate tax rate; republicans want unspent covid relief money to help fund it. roth/george washington university "if we have unspent funds from other uses, why not reallocate them? We could also look at making more efficient use of our funds, for example by streamlining regulation." > (reporter live tag: transportation sec pete buttigieg has indicated that june 7th is the deadline deadline for getting a clear direction on a plan. After a year of virtual meetings... Some vermont lawmakers... Finally met face to face today-- and with reporters at the capitol -- for a recap of highlights senate leaders said they were able to pass important legislation in education... Agriculture... Child care -- and begin to tap the one billion dollars in rescue plan funding from washington. come back together today is one of the most beautiful things that I've seen in a long time because they love their work and they love can't wait can't wait to have a more normal session next year. In the meantime- some senators plan to hold a summer listening tour around the state -- and lawmakers will be back june 23rd to try to override at least two bills just vetoed by governor phil scott. More on that tonight at many republican lawmakers take a different view of this year's session. In a statement -- the senate minority leader said while some good things passed -- like pandemic relief -- democrats did nothing to make broadband more affordable and effectively raised unemployment taxes on vermont business owners. "... And perhaps most frustratingly, -- minority leader randy brock of franklin county said - - Democrats kicked the can down the road - again -- on dealing with Vermont's public employee pension crisis, costing the state more money and only making the problem even worse next year. Today appointing howard kalfus... To be new superior court judge. Kalfus will fill the vacancy created when the governor elevated judge william cohen to the state supreme court. Since 2011 -- kalfus has served as judicial bureau hearing officer -- and is a former public defender in chittenden county. Scott said he'll be an exemplary judge -- kalfus said he'll try to safeguard the rights of all vermonters, especially its children. Tonight, southeast europe... Working to make connections with industry leaders there. And we're seeing the first pictures from their trip. Vermont lieutenant governor molly gray and state commerce secretary lindsay kurrle... Are building upon the long- running partnership between the vermont national guard and north macedonia military. In place since 19-93. Gray and kurrle will return later this week.
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