SCYC and Makers Air are grateful for you!

Book 3 nights at SCYC in December, receive a BOGO on your Makers Air flights!
Book 5 nights at SCYC in December, receive a  BOGO on MA flights PLUS a $200 resort credit!

Booking Window:  October 28th - November 15th 2024
Travel Window:  December 1st - December 20th 2024

Click HERE to take advantage of this amazing offer!

*New Bookings Only*
*Not to be combined with any other promotions or offers*
*BOGO is on base fare only. Customer responsible for all taxes and fees*

With 11 Out Island destinations to choose from, there is something for everyone!

Book online 24 hours per day and save!

North Eleuthera, Eleuthera  Tu, Th, Sa, Su
Governor's Harbour, Eleuthera  M, Th, Sa, Su
Rock Sound, Eleuthera  M, Tu, W, F
New Bight, Cat Island  M, W, F, Sa
Great Harbour Cay, Berry Islands  Th, F, Sa, Su
Stella Maris, Long Island  Th, Su
Chub Cay, Berry Islands  M, F
San Andros, Andros  DAILY
Fresh Creek, Andros  DAILY
Congo Town, South Andros  DAILY
Staniel Cay, Exuma Cays  DAILY