Woman-led, theologically-sound, spiritually-deep, beautifully-designed

Author, theologian, content creator, communicator, spiritual leader, mother, lover, and friend, Claire K. McKeever-Burgett creates woman-led, theologically-sound, spiritually-deep, and beautifully-designed content for individuals, communities, and organizations. And she’s been doing it for 20+ years!

Her debut book, Blessed Are the Women: Naming and Reclaiming Women’s Stories from the Gospels, launched to a sold out crowd at Parnassus Books, the renowned woman-owned, local bookstore in Nashville, TN. Claire’s sophomore book, In the Beginning Were the Women: Matriarchs, Mystics, Wise Women, and Warriors in the Hebrew Bible will release OCTOBER 21, 2025.

Whether writing books, consulting with organizations on communications and leadership strategies, preaching, or leading retreats, Claire’s work is grounded in the belief that Divine Love is always with us and that without women, we’d be hard pressed to have much of a faith, if any faith at all. Therefore, naming and reclaiming women’s stories and centering and celebrating them in every facet of our lives is essential to the healing of the world.

Join Claire in seeing for yourself what a woman-led faith can be!

“Women and those who love and support them are interested in justice, in making what is wrong, right, in making what is full of fear and hatred, full of freedom and love” — Claire K. McKeever-Burgett

Claire hails from the dry plains of West Texas, and though she’s lived in Washington, D.C., Austin, TX, Louisiana, and Nashville since 2013, she still claims Texas as her home. A graduate of Baylor University with a degree in English and Professional Writing, Claire began her career working at Sojourners magazine on Jim Wallis’ New York Times bestselling book tour for God’s Politics. From there, Claire worked in the nonprofit sustainable food world in Austin, Texas, and then made her way to Vanderbilt Divinity School where she earned a Master of Divinity in 2011.

An author, creative contemplative, and spiritual leader, Claire has dedicated her life to bridging spirituality and social justice. Continue reading

I like to write.

Here's where I do that weekly.

Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it. –Mary Oliver 

Recent published writings

The Night Mary Gave Birth: A Christmas Eve Liturgy

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For the Flames to Dance: An Interview with Lindsey Krinks

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Joy Shows Her Finest: Lessons on Goodness from the Basketball…

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“Without women, we don’t have Jesus. We don’t have Christianity. We don’t have any of it.”

–Claire K. McKeever-Burgett, Blessed are the Women

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