COVID-19 Exposure, Isolation and Illness
LMU strictly adheres the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health Guidance for Exposure Management for Institutes of Higher Education and the Health Officer Order.
If you have recently been in close contact * with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, you are not required to quarantine per current L.A. County Public Health guidelines, but you must follow these instructions:
- Take a COVID-19 Test. Take a COVID test immediately, then again 3-5 days after your last date of exposure. Report your test results using the LMU COVID Test Submission form. See the COVID-19 Testing section on this page for more information.
* A "Close Contact" is now defined by the size of the venue shared with an infected individual, regardless of masking.
- Classrooms, Offices, Conference Rooms, or Other Similar Sized Spaces (capacity up to 30): Everyone in the room who shared the same indoor air space with the infected person for 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period is considered a close contact per California and L.A. County Public Health.
- Dining Halls, Lecture Halls, Auditoriums, Larger Suites, and Other Large Indoor Spaces (capacity greater than 30): Close contacts are identified as those who were within 6 feet of the infected person for 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period, OR if the individual is part of an identifiable group (e.g. teammates, club members, cohort, etc.) with the infected person.
- Outdoors: L.A. County Public Health does not consider outdoor exposure, even within 6 feet with or without masks, as close contact.
If you test positive for COVID-19 after exposure, or if you exhibit symptoms of COVID-19, follow these steps:
- Seek medical attention. Students may schedule a telehealth appointment or message with a Student Health Services provider via Staff and faculty should contact their medical provider.
- Stay home and isolate. See below for isolation instructions.
The potential infectious period is 2 days before the date when symptoms began, or the first positive test date (if no symptoms), through Day 10. Day 0 is the symptom onset date or first positive test date.
Contact the LMU COVID Support Team for further resources.
In accordance with L.A. County Public Health isolation instructions and campus protocol, individuals must adhere to the following isolation instructions:
- Stay home away from others until cleared by the COVID Support Team (see clearance criteria below).
- Student residents in university housing are provided with a dedicated isolation space and support, coordinated by Student Housing.
- If someone from outside your household is shopping for you, ask them to leave the food and other supplies at your doorstep for you to pick up after they've stepped back or left.
- If you must share a bathroom with others in your household, do your best to clean all surfaces after each use, and open the window to maximize ventilation if possible.
Isolation Clearance Criteria
An individual is cleared from isolation and may resume normal activity, including returning to class and work when they meet the following criteria:
- Are asymptomatic OR fever-free for at least 24 hours (without fever-reducing medication), AND
- Symptoms are mild and improving with no new symptoms
For those who meet the clearance criteria, you must wear a well-fitted mask through day 10 when around others. You may stop wearing a mask on day 11 or sooner if you have two negative COVID-19 tests in a row that were each taken at least one day apart.
You do not need to isolate at this time, as long as you have no symptoms and you wear a well-fitting, high-quality respiratory mask whenever around other people for 10 days after you first tested positive.*
You may end isolation after if you meet all the following criteria:
- You have been fever-free for 24 hours (without fever-reducing medicines), AND
- You don’t have any other symptoms, or your symptoms are mild and improving, AND
- You wear a well-fitted mask through day 10
*You MUST continue to wear a well-fitted, highly protective mask until day 11. You may stop wearing a mask before that date ONLY if you submit two negative COVID antigen tests taken at least a day apart. All negative tests results must be uploaded here to be reviewed and approved for clearance.