Google Docs for Organizing
Join us Tuesday, March 9th for a hands on training on how to use google products to take your organizing at your school site or union to the next level of communication, organization and mobilization. We'll review uses for- Google Drive, Google Docs, Google Groups, Calendar and Forms and Sheets.

Zoom link and accompanying resources will be sent following sign-up!

What you'll need:
A compatible google account (gmail or domain that uses Google Suite products).

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
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AFT Local or Community Org
i.e., 2nd grade teacher, professor, local president, adjunct professor, etc.
How proficient would you say you are using Google products in your organizing?
I am not at all familiar/do not use Google suite products for organizing
I use frequently/am very proficient
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What skills are you most interested in learning from this training?
What frequent questions do you have in using Google suite products for organizing?
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