Asian Americans Advancing Justice | Chicago builds power through collective advocacy and organizing to achieve racial equity.

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Asian American Community Leaders Celebrate Passage of Language Equity and Access Act

After two years of organizing, the Pan-Asian Voter Empowerment (PAVE) Coalition applauds the Illinois state legislature for passing the Language Equity and Access Act (SB3762) on Thursday, May 23, 2024.

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350 Asian American Community Leaders to Rally at the State Capitol Demanding Language Justice For All

The rally featured community testimonies calling on lawmakers to pass the Language Equity and Access Act (SB3762), fully fund immigrant services, create progressive revenue streams to generate new funding solutions for the state, and invest in the implementation of K-12 inclusive history requirements.

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Poll Watching Findings: Suburban Cook County and Chicago

During March 19th’s presidential primary election, poll watchers from Asian Americans Advancing Justice | Chicago (Advancing Justice | Chicago) visited 223 polling places across Cook County to monitor compliance with language and disability access requirements. In total, 36 poll watchers surveyed 106 Chicago precincts and 117 suburban Cook County precincts. 

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From Our Leaders

"I’ve really enjoyed being with Advancing Justice | Chicago because it’s a group that wants to change things … It’s really good to be able to be in community and organize and fight for each other."

— Tia, A Just Chi leader