Vanderbilt, AmericasBarometer cited in Ecuador’s 2021 presidential debate

LAPOPVanderbilt University and AmericasBarometer, a public opinion survey on democracy and governance run by the Latin American Public Opinion Project, were cited in the recent Ecuadorian presidential debate.

Vanderbilt and AmericasBarometer are cited at the 54:24 mark in this video of the debate.

Elizabeth Zechmeister, Cornelius Vanderbilt Chair, professor of political science and director of the Latin American Public Opinion Project, translates the mention as follows:

“Vanderbilt University’s 2019 AmericasBarometer shows that one in four Ecuadorians reports having been a victim of bribery. Police, judges, local governments, educational or health institutions, etc. And that same number also responds affirmatively when asked if they would be willing to pay a bribe, given how things work in the country. This context evidences a situation of violence at all levels of society, undermining the right to a peaceful coexistence with basic liberties.”

In 2019, LAPOP was awarded a $10 million grant from the United States Agency for International Development to fund AmericasBarometer. Development of the proposal was supported by the Office of the Vice Provost for Research’s Research Development and Support.