Trump announced that HHS would handle students’ “special needs” instead of the Education Department.
President Trump has already radically transformed the DOE without relying on such an order.
States are using talk pedometers and conversation coaches to develop young brains.
57% of adults said boys should be more encouraged to talk about their feelings.
Free meal cutbacks would have ripple effects. Eligible children will fall through the cracks.
Governors remained committed to investing in public education but few addressed declining student achievement.
Employment outcomes for students with disabilities are terrible in comparison to their nondisabled peers.
The committee reviews maternal deaths and makes recommendations to improve care for pregnant women.
In these challenging times, Youth Today is making a new, bolder commitment.
DOE's new position is very different from what they put out two weeks ago.
A report explores "culture-centered, community-based youth arts programs”; identifying characteristics that support well-being.
A new data tool shows how proposed cuts to SNAP would affect American communities.
A literature review explores how youth arts engagement promotes youth well-being.
This report explores whether or not California is truly doing right by Black students.
This brief discusses the unique vulnerabilities of children to environmental hazards.
Ali Knight succeeds co-founder and 20-year CEO Margaret Hall on May 20, 2024.
Redmon has worked at Share our Strength and the Partnership for a Healthier America.
Weiss intends to prioritize strengthening the interconnections between the CIS Network and National Office.
GRANT FOCUS: Youth Leadership, Civic Engagement, Youth-led Projects, Community | Amount: $10,000 | Deadline:...
GRANT FOCUS: Community, Education, Environment, Safety, Food Access, Diversity | Amount: $250 - $5,000...
GRANT FOCUS: Chronic Absenteeism, Youth Homelessness/Housing Insecurity, K-12 Learning/Education | Amount: $25,000 - $100,000...
GRANT FOCUS: Education, Human Services, Healthcare, Homelessness, Food Security | Amount: Unspecified | Deadline:...
GRANT FOCUS: Girls/Women Empowerment, Self-Sufficiency, Gender Equality, Youth Development | Amount: Unspecified | Deadline:...
GRANT FOCUS: Maternal Health, Child Health, Healthcare Access, Rural Families, Rural Communities | Amount:...
GRANT FOCUS: Economic Mobility, Job/Career Training, College Access, Kansas City | Amount: $100,000 -...
GRANT FOCUS: Community, Arts/Culture, Basic Needs, Housing, Health, Milwaukee, Wisconsin | Amount: Up to...
GRANT FOCUS: Social/Environmental/Economic Justice, Legal Services Support, Community | Amount: $10,000 - $50,000 |...
GRANT FOCUS: Environmental Education/Health, Civic Engagement, Community, Delaware Bay | Amount: $25,000 - $225,000...
GRANT FOCUS: Native/Tribal Communities, Community Development, Civic Engagement, Native Youth | Amount: Unspecified | Deadline:...
GRANT FOCUS: Youth Welfare/Development, Youth Services, Youth Inequality, At-risk Youth, NYC | Amount: $25,000...
AmeriCorps funding cuts would make a bad situation for afterschool programs even worse.
Mister Rogers showed young children how to wonder. His principles work with all ages.
We’ve identified five ways we believe the COVID-19 pandemic has transformed education.
Q&A discussion on AI’s value in education and the irreplaceable human element in teaching.
It’s important to understand the impact AmeriCorps cuts would have on youth and communities.
These directives could fundamentally change education in America. Do they violate the First Amendment?
In these challenging times, Youth Today is making a new, bolder commitment.
The court’s ruling could affect more than religion in schools.
Knowledge to Power Catalysts is the new publisher for Youth Today.
How many products exceed FDA recommendations? There's no safe level of heavy metal ingestion.