The impact of philanthropy at Maseeh College of Engineering and Computer Science is unmistakable. From the scholarships that help students succeed to new facilities and programs driving innovative research for faculty. Education serves as both the currency and the catalyst for change: as the pandemic continues to recede in the distance, donor contributions have made a profound difference. The generosity of our donors supports new possibilities for students, faculty, and the future of technology.

In the fiscal year 2023, spanning from July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2023, Maseeh College experienced a philanthropic journey that exemplifies the profound impact of giving. The fundraising goal set for this period was a commendable $4,000,000. However, the final tally surpassed expectations, with a total of $4,715,183 raised. This achievement is not merely a number; it represents the dedication and generosity of a community committed to advancing education, research, and opportunity.

Allocating these funds strategically amplifies their impact. The category breakdown reveals a thoughtful distribution:

Pie Chart

Within this philanthropic landscape, the college benefited from a broad spectrum of donors. Among these were 154 alumni who, through their contributions, demonstrated their enduring commitment to their alma mater. Additionally, 44 faculty and staff members contributed not only their expertise but also their financial support, a clear sign of their dedication to the institution's growth.

Frankwell Lin Program


Fundraising Program Highlight: Over the summer, the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department kicked off the inaugural year of the Frankwell Lin Student Research Program, established through the generous giving of alumnus and CEO of Andes Technology, Frankwell Lin (’88 MS ECE). Freshman and Sophomore students were paired with faculty mentors for an 8-week paid summer internship during which they were part of a lab team and working on various projects. Students like Jorge Baez appreciated the opportunity to participate in the program, “I got to learn the fundamentals of what it takes to be an electrical engineer. I learned a lot, from design reviewing to testing, and it is all that I hoped for in this internship.”

Students were introduced to research principles, real-world applications, and collaboration. This exciting new program provides early opportunities for Maseeh undergraduate students to be part of a unique community of students exploring research for the first time. Faculty mentors like Mahima Gupta also found the experience very valuable: “a well-defined project can immensely help the student as well as the overall research group. I think that such summer internship opportunities are extremely helpful for undergraduate students. In many cases, it is their first experience doing independent research.”

Lin states that "I always keep in mind how much knowledge the PSU ECE Master’s program taught me, how much I learned during my enrollment in PSU, how happy I was during my stay in Portland, and how much support I received during that tough period. Research plays a heavy duty role in academia and high-tech zones; it is worthy to engage more young students and graduates; their developed passions and found interests will help them for their whole life." Alumni like Lin inspire others to give and grow this program and similar initiatives so that  more students have the opportunity for early research experiences.

Scholarships Stats

One of the primary categories of fundraising, scholarship support, opens doors for our students--especially those for whom a Maseeh College education will be the chance of a lifetime. Our school educates more first-generation, returning, low-income, and BIPOC (black, indigenous, people of color) students than any other engineering and computer science school in the state. These students encounter greater obstacles on the path to graduation, yet all are determined to make a good life for themselves and their families. They work hard for their success, and it should matter to everyone. They are the resilient achievers who will ultimately fill our workforce, inspire others, and transform Oregon for the better. Never has the mission of Oregon’s only public urban university and Maseeh College mattered more–to provide a world-class education that is inclusive and affordable.

Maseeh College is not only a trailblazer in higher education but also a strategic partner/leader/convener of programs supporting STEM K-12 education throughout the Pacific Northwest. We have been entrusted by Oregonians to serve the region with exceptional workforce development and research and to support the needs of the future by bringing STEM education opportunities to communities across the state that have been underserved in these areas..

These two programs include the Portland Metro STEM Partnership, which received $1,629,410 of our fundraising to empower the college to spearhead science and technology initiatives in the region. Our Oregon MESA program, which recently celebrated 35 years of enabling underserved high school and middle school students to develop skills and explore careers in mathematics, engineering, and science, received $281,014. MESA recently received funding to create the Oregon MESA Alumni Endowed Scholarship.

In this overarching narrative of goodwill and monetary support, we find not just financial data but a story of unwavering generosity, shared vision, and the belief in the power of education to transform lives. The fiscal year 2023 for Maseeh College is more than a balance sheet: it is a testimony to the positive impact of giving on education, research, and the promise of tomorrow. Thank you for your generosity, and for your steadfast belief in the power of Maseeh College to make a difference.  Please visit our donation page, if you'd like to support the school.