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Impact Investing Symposium: Centering Social Impact, Even in the Business World
The Impact Investing Symposium (IIS) is an annual student-led event that continues to bring together students, professionals, thought leaders, and advocates to raise awareness of the responsibility that all facets of our economy, including the business world, have in driving positive social change and in creating a more equitable, sustainable world. This year’s symposium will occur at the Emerson Auditorium in Knight Hall on Thursday, Apr 18, 2024, from 4-7 pm. Discussions will focus on the theme, “Transforming Communities: Impact Investing in St. Louis,” and will showcase the stories and experiences of three St. Louis-based companies and organizations challenging inequity and driving positive social change in the region.
This year’s symposium features David Stiffler, renowned for his impactful work in community wealth-building at Edward Jones; Faybra Jabulani, a notable racial equity champion at Forward Through Ferguson; and Michelle Witthaus of Invest STL, who is an outspoken advocate for place-based investment for North St. Louis residents. During the event, they will share their insights and experiences through their organizations’ initiatives, contributing meaningfully to impact finance, philanthropy, and community development.
Register for the event today through this link and connect with the team behind IIS by following the Impact Investing Symposium on LinkedIn.