Schedule of Classes

BIO593-01 Ecology in Context: Forest Biodiversity in the Hudson Valley

Students enrolled in this course will gain a fundamental understanding of the ecology of forests, focusing on the diversity of trees and mammals that exist in our area, and why diversity matters for healthy forests and communities. Participants will gain experience identifying trees, using camera traps and track plates to monitor small mammal populations, conducting basic forest ecology field measurements, and investigating specific forest functions both in the field and the lab. Students will hear about current research from Cary Institute ecologists, ranging from the impacts of invasive species and disease to land use change and pollution.

3 (may be repeated for credit)
  • Must have the following level: Graduate
  • Students cannot elect the Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grade option for this course
  • A proctoring fee for test taking may apply
Dates Days Time Location Instructor
7/14/17-8/11/17 David Richardson