
Application for Legal Services

Welcome to MPD Community Law!

The purpose of this form is for Community Law to assess your/your client’s eligibility for our legal services. We do not charge our clients for our legal services. With this request for services, you and Community Law are not entering into an attorney-client relationship. Community Law does not yet represent you in any legal matters and there is no attorney/client relationship unless and until the client signs an agreement confirming the nature and scope of representation. The information contained in this form may be shared within MPD’s office.

By submitting this request, you agree that all statements you make to Community Law and all information below will be truthful to the best of your knowledge. 

Community Law will review your request and assess your eligibility for services. We will respond to your request within one week. We may request additional information to confirm eligibility. Additionally, due to public health concerns, all communication must be via phone, email, and postal mail until further notice, and some court services may be suspended.


We can only provide free legal services to people who fit into our funding criteria.

We will ask you some questions to see if you might qualify for any of our programs!