Who They Were: Lives Worth Knowing

The Memorial’s walls are engraved with the names of nearly 12,000 military veterans from Virginia who perished in combat during World War II; the wars in Korea, Vietnam, and the Persian Gulf; and, more recently, those who have lost their lives in the Global War on Terrorism.

A new exhibition opened on Veterans Day 2021. It sheds light on who these veterans were and what they were doing before military service interrupted and cut short their lives.

Our overarching mission is to honor veterans. We do that most effectively through the preservation of their stories. Stories that will be featured in this new exhibit.

Our vision is that a global audience will recognize the valor and sacrifice of Virginia’s military veterans in the pursuit of liberty, democracy, justice, and peace for all.


This exhibit is made possible by contributions from



The Windsor Foundation Trust


The Peachtree House Foundation

and the generous support of friends like you.


If you have donation items that help tell the story of any name engraved on our walls, please contact Jesse Smith, Virginia War Memorial Curator, at jesse.smith@dvs.virginia.gov.