Ahlberg Gear House
The Ahlberg Gear House is an on-campus resource for students, faculty, and staff to rent outdoor equipment. Focusing on Rentals, Resources, and Repair, the Gear House is also a hub for trip planning, gear tuning, and gear repair.
Hours of Operations
Spring Break: Only open Wednesday 3/19, Friday 3/21, and Sunday 3/23.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
2:00 - 5:00pm
4:00 - 6:00pm
Rental Options
Personal Rentals
There are ample opportunities to recreate outdoors in Colorado and the Rocky Mountain Southwest, and the Ahlberg Gear House aims to provide the equipment to help members of our campus community to get out and play! If you have a valid CC Gold Card, you are eligible to rent. Please reference our “Inventory and Prices” section below to learn more about what we have to offer and our rental rates.
Trip Rentals
Students attending an Outdoor Education trip will receive a 100% discount on the items needed for that trip. They must show their trip registration to a Gear House staff member at the time of the rental to receive the discount. Items rented must be returned by the date specified or they will be responsible for covering late fees at full price until the item(s) are returned.
Departmental Rentals
The Ahlberg Gear House can be a great resource in helping equip our students for departmental or academic field trips. There are two different options for Departmental Rentals - Group and Individual Rentals.
- Departmental Group Rentals
Group rentals allow for equipment that will be used by many, to be rented by a single person, this may be best when a large number of the same type of items are being rented, (i.e. snowshoes for the entire class).
Costs Covered By: Department (PCard at Time of Rental)
- A representative of the department rents all items for the group under their name and pays with a department PCard.
- The representative/department is responsible for all items rented, returning all items (at the same time) and for covering damage/replacement/late fees as needed.
*The Ahlberg Gear House does not currently take reservations. If a department is interested in securing equipment for a group rental, please complete the "Group Rental Request Form" two weeks in advance to inquire, and we will do our best to accommodate your request.
- Departmental Individual Rentals
Individual rentals are when each person comes and rents equipment under their own name and is best when the equipment needs vary from person to person, the individual requires a lot of different items, and/or the items are dependent on size (i.e. clothing, boots, backpacks, etc).
Costs Covered By: Department (Student Pays and is Reimbursed)
- Each individual who needs to rent equipment comes to the Gear House, rents under their name and pays with their own money. They forward the receipt to the department administrator who processes a reimbursement.
- The individual is responsible for all items rented, for the return of their items and for covering damage/replacement/late fees as needed.
Costs Covered By: Student (Pays at Time of Rental)
- If the department is not covering the costs for the rentals, the individual will be responsible to rent the equipment on their own during Gear House hours and pay for the rental.
- The individual is responsible for all items rented, the return of their items and for covering damage/replacement/late fees as needed.
Explore Outdoor Education
Facility Hours
Contact Us
931 N. Nevada Ave
Colorado Springs, CO 80903