Donald Miller
I’ll be honest, if it has “Donald Miller” on the front of the book cover, I’ll read it. No questions asked. This little eBook delivers as always and shares how to tell a story through your life. It is insightful, fun, and a quick read. I’d recommend it for anyone from writers, to stay-at-home moms, to marketers and more.
Annie Downs
We all need a little help being brave from time to time. Annie has some great ideas and inspiration on how to live boldly. This is a small sample from the full book, but trust me -- you’ll want to read it. The full book comes out soon enough (July 15) so you won’t have to wait long.
Ted Dekker
This page turner from New York Times Bestselling author Ted Dekker will really keep you on your toes. It’s a serialized drama and both episodes 1 and 2 are still available on NoiseTrade Books for free! This is a perfect summer vacation read and you won’t be able to put it down.
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
The guys from have put together a really fun updated version of twelve classic Sherlock Holmes stories. At the end of each story is a reader guide that will challenge you and help you get even more out of each story.
Rodrido de Souza Leao
The moment I stepped into All Dogs Are Blue by Rodrigo de Souza Leão I felt transported. Not just to another place in the world (although it does that too) but into another mind. Our narrator is in an insane asylum in Rio de Janerio where his only friends are his own imaginary versions of Rimbaud and Baudelaire. This book is made all the more arresting when you peak into the life of the author himself, who battled mental illness and committed suicide several years ago. Short, powerful, funny, and at times uncomfortable, All Dogs Are Blue takes me to all of the places I want to go when I immerse myself in a book.
Jodi Picoult
Reading Jodi Picoult’s original short story, Where There's Smoke, is like taking a much-needed vacation. Punchy and fun, Picoult’s story is about acclaimed psychic medium and TV show host Serenity Jones, who abuses her “Gift” for ratings. Personal and supernatural fallout ensues. In no time at all, Picoult makes you laugh, jeer, whimper, and resign yourself to the supernatural—yet decidedly human—Serenity’s fate. Where There's Smoke is a great beach read and will get you excited for her upcoming novel, Leaving Time.
Mixtus Media
I’ve known Jenn & Marcus for years and they’ve always been forward thinking, optimistic, and tenacious when it came to applying their creativity to tribe (and therefore career) building for authors. Even with my 20+ years as a blue-collar musician, I learned so many parallel lessons from Your NoiseTrade Books Strategy. For any creatives running the small businesses of their own careers (which is everyone), this book should be required reading.
Ben & Jerry
Who can resist stories and insights on the most iconic brand of ice cream in the modern era? I loved hearing more about some of my favorite flavors, including Cherry Garcia and Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. Recommended served with the pint of your choice and a spoon. Enjoy!
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