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This FREE Workshop with Hannelore Gabriel is Made Possible By....
Register NOW for this FREE William Boddy Passion to Learn Workshop with Hannelore Gabriel
January 12, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Box of Bubbles 206 E Street 
Students can bring lunch or go out for lunch.
Maximum of 8 students
During the class students will learn how to construct circular wall pieces in assemblage and collage techniques. Background materials can be anything from recycled sawed board to anything round found or recycled like old records, hoops, cookie tin lids and round odds and ends. Most materials will be provided. In addition students should bring items on hand like screens, wire, textured cardboard, fabric, wood pieces etc. Also paint, wire and glues are welcome.
Hannelore currently displays her work at the Pinon Real Estate office from January 3 through April. Students may view the work to learn what materials are used and develop their own ideas.
To Register for this FREE Class: Call Hannalore at 539-7962
Space is Limited - Register NOW!

The Salida Council for the Arts is a 501c3 non-profit based in Salida, Colorado. The organization was founded in 2002 to facilitate community access to arts grants and other types of government and foundation funding. The SCFTA’s mission is to enrich the cultural life of our community by nurturing and supporting excellence in the arts; to increase the community’s awareness of and appreciation for the arts; to promote and encourage arts education; and to serve as liaison between the arts, business, government, and educational institutions.
Copyright © 2019 Salida Council for the Arts, All rights reserved.

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