Thanks so much for your interest in the Queer Students of Color in STEM (QSOC-STEM) study. The prinicipal investigator for the study is Dr. Luis A. Leyva, Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education in the Department of Teaching & Learning at Vanderbilt University - Peabody College. The purpose of this research is to better understand perceptions of events in courses and student support programs that might feel either discouraging or supportive to LGBTQ+ students of color in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics).

Study Procedures: Participants will:

  • write a brief autobiographical reflection about their STEM experiences,
  • complete a survey to provide demographic information,
  • journal about events found to be either supportive or discouraging for LGBTQ+ students of color in STEM, and
  • complete 1 individual interview and 1 focus group to reflect on journaled events.

If possible, observations will be completed in STEM classes and meetings for support programs to detail the contexts of the journaled events.

Voluntary and Confidential Participation: Participation in this research study is voluntary and confidential. Participants can stop being in this study at any time. If we learn something new that may affect the risks or benefits of this study, participants will be told so that they can decide whether or not they still want to be in this study.

If you are interested in participating in the QSOC-STEM study, please complete this form. We will send you an e-mail message with the study's consent form prior to beginning your study participation.

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