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We Want to Hear from You!


Great Place to Work Survey

We are excited to share that for the second year, we are taking part in the Great Place to Work Survey! The survey will be sent out to a random sampling of 5,000 employees across the University of Tennessee System. This confidential survey helps us gauge how we can improve our company culture to better suit the needs and desires of our employees. If you are not familiar with the Great Place to Work survey, it recognizes employers who create an outstanding employee experience. It also helps job seekers distinguish which companies genuinely offer a great company culture. 

We may potentially be asking for your feedback tomorrow (July 18). If you are selected, you will receive an email from Great Place to Work with a link attached. The email subject line will say ‘Great Place to Work® Trust Index© Survey’ and will be sent from hello@invite.emprising.com with the sender being ‘Great Place to Work.’ We are eager to hear from you on what we are doing well and how we can improve.

The Great Place to Work survey consists of questions about how you feel about your job, your colleagues and leadership. There will also be several questions about your personal characteristics. Your responses will only be seen in a group of answers, never individually. Your responses will be used to determine how we proceed based on your ideas and recommendations.

The UT System hired an independent third party called Great Place to Work to conduct this survey. They are considered a global authority on workplace culture and have been in the business for more than 30 years. If you are interested in learning more about how Great Place to Work will take care of your survey responses, please read here

The Great Place to Work survey will be open tomorrow, July 18 through August 1. Completing this survey will take roughly 12 minutes. We encourage you to respond openly and honestly, as your responses will remain anonymous. Great Place to Work will not share any of your personal information that could be used to identify you.

Thank you, in advance, for helping us improve by providing your feedback and recommendations.
Brian Dickens
Chief Human Resources Officer