ACLED | Armed Conflict Location & Events Data

collects real-time data on all reported political violence and protest events around the world, including locations, dates, actors, fatalities, and types.

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Local Observatories

Ethiopia Peace Observatory

Ethiopia Peace Observatory

The Ethiopia Peace Observatory (EPO) is a special project launched by ACLED to enhance local data collection across Ethiopia. The EPO aims to provide a dedicated platform for governments, media, civil society, and the public to access reliable information and analysis about political violence and unrest across the country.

Cabo Ligado

Cabo Ligado

Cabo Ligado (‘connected cape’) is a conflict observatory established by ACLED in partnership with Zitamar News and MediaFax to monitor political violence in Mozambique. The project supports real-time data collection on the insurgency in the country’s northern Cabo Delgado province and provides cutting-edge analysis of the latest conflict trends.