St. Luke's United Methodist Church


4851 S. Apopka-Vineland Road
Orlando, FL 32819
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Summer Camps at St. Luke’s

Join us for a fun summer at St. Luke’s!

St. Luke’s has partnered with Camp Windermere for an amazing summer of fun!

This camp is a perfect mixture of structured activities for kids to enjoy outdoors,  learn new games, and make lasting memories. Join us for a summer of adventure and fun.

Elementary Camp Schedule and Themes: 

Week 1:  June 2-6 – Celebrate Summer

Week 2: June 9-13 –College Sports

Week 3:  June 16-20 – Fun Down Under

  This Australian themed week will operate from 12:30pm-6:00pm.

*Check out St. Luke’s vacation bible school for hours 9am-12:30pm. *

Week 4: June 23-27  – Water Week

June 30-July 4    CLOSED FOR 4th of JULY Week

Week 5:  July 7-11  – Marvel-Us

Week 6: July 14-18 – Space

Week 7:  July 21-25 – Wacky Week

Week 8: July 28-August 1 – Rockin’ Out Summer

Preschool Day Camp Schedule and Themes: 

Preschool Camps are for kids PreK-Kindergarten

Day Camps run 9:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. | Registration Cost: $175/week/child


Week 1: June 2-6 – Celebrate Summer

Week 2: June 9-13 – Enchanted Forest


Week 3: June 16-20 – NO CAMP / St. Luke’s VBS


Week 4: June 23-27 – Mess Fest


Week 5: June 30 – July 4 – NO CAMP / CLOSED FOR 4TH OF JULY


Week 6: July 7-11 – Superheroes

Week 5: July 14-18 – Space

Interested in auditions for St. Luke’s 2-week youth theatre camp from June 2-15? Click HERE!

Interested in St. Luke’s VBS from June 16-20? Click HERE!

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