The TAME Trial

Targeting the Biology of Aging.
Ushering a New Era of Interventions.

The official web resource of the TAME Trial, managed by the American Federation for Aging Research.

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What is the TAME Trial?

The Targeting Aging with Metformin (TAME) Trial is a series of nationwide, six-year clinical trials at 14 leading research institutions across the country that will engage over 3,000 individuals between the ages of 65-79.

Wake Forest University School of Medicine will be the coordinating center. These trials will test whether those taking metformin experience delayed development or progression of age-related chronic diseases—such as heart disease, cancer, and dementia.

Why Metformin?

Metformin is an FDA-approved drug used successfully to treat diabetes for more than 60 years.

Studies have already shown that metformin can delay aging in animals. It may also influence fundamental aging factors that underlie multiple age-related conditions in humans.

While other promising drugs are in trials to target aging, Metformin is the focus of the TAME at the recommendation of NIH-funded Geroscience Network because of its safety and low cost.


Trial sites secured


Years of trials, once launched


Participants, ages 65-79, to be engaged


Proving Aging is Treatable

The TAME (Targeting Aging with Metformin) Trial will establish a clinical trial to provide proof-of-concept that aging can be treated, just as we treat diseases.

Studies show that metformin may influence metabolic and cellular processes that are associated with the development of age-related conditions. Metformin and other drugs in development are expected to delay the onset of these major diseases.

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Earning a Treatment "Indication"

We hope the FDA will approve aging as an indication, to signify that aging can be “treated.” In medical terms, an “indication” for a drug refers to the use of that drug for treating a particular condition.

If aging is made an indication, the TAME Trial will mark a paradigm shift: from treating each age-related medical condition separately, to treating these conditions together, by targeting aging per se.

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Raising Funds to Launch

AFAR is leading fundraising efforts to support and launch the TAME Trial. Targeting aging and age-related diseases through drug interventions holds the promise of extending years of health while saving trillions of dollars.

Help Launch the TAME Trial. Donate here.
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TAME Trial Updates

Stay connected to learn more about participating in the TAME Trial and to receive updates on its progress and launch.

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Can We Grow Older Without Getting Sicker?

TAME Trial Media Highlights

From JAMA to CNN, the Wall Street Journal to Science, the TODAY show to WIRED and The New York Times, the TAME (Targeting Aging with Metformin) Trial has received widespread attention in both scientific journals and popular media worldwide.

Scroll through media highlights at right.

What is the status of the TAME Trial?

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Fourteen clinical trial sites are committed.

Dozens of promising drug interventions—many of which have been developed by AFAR-supported scientists—are ready to enter the market.

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Visionary donors to help launch the multi-year, multi-site TAME Trial.

3,000 individuals between the ages of 65-79 to participate.

An "indication" for aging. With an "indication" for aging, we can target the biology of aging and thereby delay age-related disease.

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More years of health and vitality for us all.

If the TAME Trial is successful, and aging is made an indication for treatment, a new era of treatments will be available.

An indication for aging also creates new opportunities for biotech innovation and investment.

Revolutionize the Future
of Healthy Aging

AFAR welcomes the opportunity to discuss with you ways to sponsor the TAME Trial. To learn more, please contact AFAR's Development Team at 212.703.9977.

Give to the TAME Trial Today