Masks are welcome here at First Unitarian, but not required.  (Some groups and classes that meet in our congregation may choose to continue to require masks.)  And a reminder that masks are an excellent way to prevent the flu. Please be mindful of accommodating the needs of our members, friends, or staff who may have a disability, such as someone who is immunocompromised.

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Harmony and Discord

Our overarching spiritual theme of the year, “Love is at the Center,” ends with a focus on community this month. It is a season of war and humanitarian crises in Ukraine and Gaza. We have a polarizing US presidential election on the horizon. The UUA … read more.

Garden of Faith

Welcome to our annual multigenerational Flower Ceremony, where we proclaim what it means and what it takes to build our beloved community. This year, we will also honor the transition of our high school seniors to young adulthood in a Bridging Ritual. Come one, Come … read more.

Finding Out We are Free

On this Juneteenth, we’ll explore what it means to be free–or not. If our freedom something that is given to us or something we claim?

Our Shared Prophetic Task

Our popular conception of the prophet is often that of a “lone voice calling out in the wilderness.” But there are risks to “going it alone” in the work for liberation. How can we ensure our church communities remain sites of mutual support, accountability, and … read more.