Do you hear the call?


We have lived through an extraordinary week. 

After the months of challenge and loss (on so many levels) due to the pandemic, the impact of living through this intense week has been remarkable. We have seen uncountable numbers of people show up and speak up to focus on racial justice. 

If you missed reading my call to join forces and become a Creator of Change last week, you can read my article here

In short, I wrote that I believe we must act, we must act now, and we must act with love. And it will be our collective action that will have the biggest impact.

If you have reached out to me, thank you. If you have taken action, thank you. If you want to join this effort, thank you — you are welcome!

Change will happen when we commit to acting in great numbers. Some will do more than others. We will all chose the action, or combination of actions that call us and that are realistic for us to commit to. 

And each of us can invite another into this effort, assuring them that even small actions count.

Here’s a great story that serves as an example.

I heard from a woman who described her morning walk on the beach, when she felt an urge to pick up a rock and write “peace + kindness” in the wet sand. She drew an awkward heart underneath. She wasn't sure anyone could even make out what she wrote. 

Having turned to walk back, she saw someone taking photos of her message.

Perhaps those photos will be posted on social media. Perhaps that person will share the story of finding the message with a friend or family member.

This is a lovely example of how even a very small gesture can spread important ideas. 

And, it was notable to me to see how surprising — and inspiring — it was for this woman to realize that her simple small action had touched another person.

What will your action be?

Will you donate to organizations doing work you want to support? 

Will you have a deep conversation with someone, even if it feels uncomfortable? 

Will you volunteer? (I have a colleague who will offer her design skills to amplify the message of an organization with a great cause. Someone wrote to tell me she will drive people to the polls on election day. Volunteering comes in many forms.)

If you need ideas and resources, start here

I have created a new Creators of Change Resource page on my site. It includes great information for educating ourselves, great organizations you can consider supporting, and some inspiration, too. 

It is a start, and I am eager to add to it. Please suggest other resources to help me expand the list. 

And, I welcome you to share the resources with your networks.

Will you join a new conversation?

I am hosting a new Zoom call for those who want to come together to talk about how we will each commit to take action, and to share what we are feeling, what we are learning, and more.

The Creators of Change call will be on Thursday, June 11, 8:30 am eastern.

Register here to join us.

As I wrote last week, when of all of us take some action — and inspire others to do so, too — we can create desperately needed change in our communities, our country and the world.

Leading like this is living big.

I look forward to seeing you on Thursday. And, if you can't be there, hit reply to be in touch.

Stay safe and well, and keep creating.