We must become creators of change

My heart aches. It has ached this way for a long time. 

For so many innocent people who are brutalized and senselessly killed for nothing more than the color of their skin. 

For injustice that has persisted for centuries and runs horribly deep. 

For the countless people in our country whose lives are in peril every day, who live in fear, who are sick, who are impoverished, and who are so often grieving. 

For the terrible division in our country, and knowing that so many people tolerate injustice. 

There is no reason for any of this other than hatred. I cannot accept hatred as normal. It is not normal. It never has been. It is wrong.

We cannot be silent. 
We must not be silent.

We can be creators of change.

Together, we can be a powerful collective force for change.

Will you join me?

Will you take action and be a leader in a movement to create change?

Will you be heard, and be seen?

Will you channel all of your emotion into creating change?

Because if we don’t do something new, nothing will change. 

I have wrung my hands and cried tears so many times in the past. I have taken some action, but not enough.

Now is the time for bold collective action.

We must elect leaders who will work for the change that is needed — from the local level to the top. 
Will you commit to ACT?

We must support programs that will help now, like donating to non-profits that provide bail money (this is one in Massachusetts), and there are many others you can look for. 
Will you commit to ACT?

We must support programs that will have long-term impact, such as the ACLU, programs to end police violence, enrichment programs for inner-city youth, education programs focused on tolerance, job training, and more. 
Will you commit to ACT?

We must act now, and act with love.

And, we can have our biggest impact if we act in concert.

What action — big or small (because a lot of small action adds up!) — can you take to start a bigger movement? A movement of the privileged and the oppressed. A movement fueled by love and not hate.

Let me know what you are already doing, and what you want to do. 

Let me know what resources you have found.

Let me know about ideas you create and new actions you take.

I want to be a force multiplier.

In a week or two, I will create a Zoom call for those of us who are committed to taking action. On this call we’ll have a conversation where we can share our ideas and connect pods of activity.

Together, we can have an impact. 

When of all of us are taking some action — and inspiring others to do so, too — we can create desperately needed change in our communities, our country and the world. 

Let me hear from you about how you want to be a creator of change — or leave a comment here.

Stay safe and well, and keep creating.