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University Counseling Center

University Counseling Center

About the University Counseling Center

University life presents a number of choices, challenges, and pressures—some exciting, some stressful. The University Counseling Center supports all students with free, confidential professional counseling services around issues of stress, depression, anxiety, academic motivation, relationships, and more. We also provide counseling and education to prevent and cope with substance abuse and sexual assault.

If you are interested in scheduling an appointment, please call us at 504-865-3835. 

In crisis?

The counselor on-call is available 24/7/365 by calling 504-865-3835 and pressing 1 after the prompt. You will be immediately connected to a trained and licensed mental health professional.

Blue Sky

Services We Provide

The University Counseling Center exists to assist you in meeting the varied challenges of community life at Loyola. Services provided by the UCC are free to all Loyola students.

Learn about what to expect at your first appointment

Read our Frequently Asked Questions

Counseling Services

Individual, couples, and group counseling options available. We'll start with an intake appointment to speak confidentially with a counselor about immediate concerns. 

Case Management

We can coordinate access to psychiatric services, provide referrals for specialized treatment and screenings, and assist students in obtaining health insurance or social services. 

Counselor On-Call

You can reach the counselor on-call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year by calling 504-865-3835 and pressing 1. 

After Hours Resources

In addition to the counselor on call, available 24/7/365, the UCC can connect you to campus and community resources so you can secure help right away.

Outreach Programs

The UCC provides outreach programs to the Loyola community as requested. Programs usually last 30 to 90 minutes and cover topics such as:

  • Alcohol and Drug Use
  • Relationship Issues (Communication, Breaking Up, Intimacy)
  • Body Image and Eating Disorders
  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
  • Self-Confidence
  • Mindfulness
  • Stress Management
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Sexual Assault/Interpersonal Violence Prevention

Programs are not limited to these topics and can be developed towards your special interests or concerns. Requests can be submitted by residential life personnel and student groups, and are facilitated by UCC professional staff. 

To schedule a program, email at least two weeks prior to the workshop date. A UCC staff member will call to confirm and discuss your request. The responsibility for scheduling, location, and publicity belongs to the group requesting the program.

For Parents and Caregivers

Explore the services and care we provide to your students.

For Faculty and Staff

Explore when and how to refer students for services at the UCC.

Inclusion Statement

Recent violence, abroad and closer to home, affects all of us. It is natural and reasonable to feel anger, sorrow, despair, fear, powerlessness, defensiveness, frustration, confusion, hopelessness and/or numbness in response to the national and international climate and continued acts of aggression, oppression and brutality. The University Counseling Center recognizes the emotional toll that these events take on our students as individuals and our community as a whole and we are here to help without judgment, assumptions or bias. If you need a safe space to process, or if you want assistance coping, please schedule an appointment.

The UCC acknowledges the continued work of self-reflection, accountability, and openness to others necessary to create a community of inclusiveness, dignity and compassion. As such, we are committed to helping you on this journey, and committed to our own work towards intercultural competency. Please know that you are not alone, and that we are here to listen and to support you.