How finding your purpose in life could help you sleep better

Those with a sense of purpose have better quality sleep, research shows.
Those with a sense of purpose have better quality sleep, research shows. Credit: alvarez

We now know that those with a sense of purpose have better quality sleep. But what happens when you don’t have a sense of purpose? Unfortunately, people who are confident in their own direction are few.

Amy Morin at Northeastern University puts the figure at 25 per cent. This is worrying, because feeling that life has meaning is associated with much more than enjoying better quality sleep. 

Andrew Steptoe at University College London and colleagues in America asked 9050 older adults to answer questions about ‘eudemonic wellbeing’ – feeling in control in your life, believing what you do is worthwhile, and having a sense of purpose.

They then followed participants for just over eight years. Those who reported the highest levels of wellbeing were 30 per cent less likely to die during that time, and lived on average two years longer than those who had the lowest wellbeing scores. 

Tonya Jacobs at University of California Davis offered an intensive three-month meditation retreat to 30 adults, then measured their telomere length (telomeres are chromosomal regions and longer ones are associated with longer life span), and levels of neuroticism (tendency to feel worried and anxious, and experience other negative emotions).

Compared to controls, meditators had longer telomeres and lower levels of neuroticism. To her surprise, Jacobs found it wasn’t the meditating itself that mattered, but rather the extra time meditators said they had to think about their direction in life.  

Those who meditate have more time to think about their life direction.
Those who meditate have more time to think about their life direction. Credit: Marija Jovovic /E+

Sense of purpose is also associated with increased motivation to study and to tackle difficult academic subjects, as David Yeager at the University of Texas found in studies involving 2000 adolescents.

Given the evidence, it’s well worth making the effort to figure out what gives your life energy and meaning. How do you go about doing so?

Look out

Think about the people you most admire, who live as you wish to. What do they value? How do they spend their time?

When you meet new people, ask questions and listen well instead of trying to make an impression. They’ll probably like you because of your genuine interest, and you may discover more ways to find purpose.

Ask those who know you well to describe your strengths and interests. Your preconceptions may need revising.

Watch films, read, go to theatre – give yourself as many opportunities as possible to learn about different ways of living.

Look in

Each evening, make a note of what you most enjoyed today, and/or what you’re most looking forward to tomorrow.

Write your autobiography. Creating your ‘story’ will clarify what’s given you direction and influenced your decisions.

Look back

Who would you most like to thank, and why? Daryl Van Tongeron at Hope College found writing notes of gratitude increased sense of meaning and connection.

Think about your earliest interests and favourite activities. Recalling childhood passions offers you the best chance to rediscover ‘flow’, those occasions when you’ve stretched yourself to your limits to accomplish something you considered worthwhile.

Your sense of purpose will continue to clarify as you grow wiser and more aware. Enjoy the process.

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