Hanan M. Isaacs, Esq.

Hanan M. Isaacs, Esq.

Princeton, New Jersey, United States
3K followers 500+ connections


Central NJ Employment Attorney, Arbitrator, Mediator, Negotiator, Family and Divorce, and…




  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Graphic

    University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


    Activities and Societies: Moot Court, Clinical Program

    Honors Graduate
    Member, Order of the Golden Fleece (for service to the University Community)

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    Honors Graduate

Licenses & Certifications

Volunteer Experience


  • Younger Job Applicants Want a Diverse Workforce

    Kingston Law Group

    Younger Americans seeking work have more than pay and benefits on their minds. Over the past ten years, highly educated and younger professionals have increasingly prioritized their values when deciding where to work. That could be diversity, environmental concerns, philanthropy, or social impact.

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  • Sometimes the Best Way to Divide a NJ Asset is to Sell It

    Kingston Law Group

    If you’re divorcing in New Jersey, part of the process is dividing jointly owned marital assets and debts. This can be a highly emotional tug of war between two bitter parties, yet it doesn’t have to be this way. The decision lies in your hands. You’re both adults. One way to resolve some of these disputes is to sell the property and divide up the cash.

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  • New Jersey’s Law Against Discrimination May Face Important Changes

    Kingston Law Group

    The only constant is change. That’s especially true of the law, which evolves through amendment of statutes and court rulings. Proposed changes to New Jersey law would be improvements for those fighting illegal workplace discrimination.

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  • Solo and Small Firm Conference

    Kingston Law Group

    Kingston Law Group’s Senior Attorney, Hanan M. Isaacs, will present on “What I Wish I Knew in 2019” along with two other seasoned presenters.

    Said Isaacs, “As business people in the law, we are in transition no matter what we are doing and when we are doing it. Life in the law is always changing. We have to stay aware of career growth and succession planning constantly, with an emphasis on the planning part. The difference between effective succession planning and a crisis is . .…

    Kingston Law Group’s Senior Attorney, Hanan M. Isaacs, will present on “What I Wish I Knew in 2019” along with two other seasoned presenters.

    Said Isaacs, “As business people in the law, we are in transition no matter what we are doing and when we are doing it. Life in the law is always changing. We have to stay aware of career growth and succession planning constantly, with an emphasis on the planning part. The difference between effective succession planning and a crisis is . . . time. The better we prepare, the smoother the process, and the more satisfying the outcome.”

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  • Florida Judge Rules: No Mask Equals Supervised Parenting Time

    Kingston Law Group

    Since the recent spike in infections, more and more Americans are wearing masks as a way to try to slow the COVID-19 infection. Those who don’t may have problems with child custody and visitation issues, reports a Florida newspaper article discussing various cases in the Sunshine State.

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  • New Jersey Courts and Covid: Imperfect Together


    The public health/pandemic emergency has forced most parts of society to change how they operate. That includes the New Jersey court system, which is struggling to get back on its feet after 9 months of shutdown.

    New Jersey courts are stumbling towards live jury trials, yet backlog, delays, and practical issues will likely push back live trials for many months.

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  • Holidays + Divorce + COVID-19 = Stress: Has Thanksgiving Turned into Thanksvirus?

    Kingston Law Group

    The holidays are a notoriously tough time for split families. There are so many expectations for the holidays. Holidays are sold to us as times when everyone is together with loved ones, we have a great time, and we enjoy holiday memories we cherish forever. Unfortunately, this is not true for even the most functional families. Add to the mix a nationwide pandemic of a highly contagious virus that could be lethal, especially to older family members.

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  • May a NJ Employer Compel a COVID-19 Vaccine as a Condition of Employment?

    Kingston Law Group

    No COVID-19 vaccination is yet approved for use in the US. It may be well into 2021 before one is widely available, but the legal issues surrounding vaccines are worth considering. Some employers may require a vaccine for employees to keep their jobs or for applicants to get hired. Would that be a good idea? Would it be lawful?

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  • What Can You Do to Make Your Marriage a Success?

    Kingston Law Group

    Divorce is a fact of life for too many. A successful marriage takes effort. Despite mighty efforts, marriages still fail. Yet couples may inoculate their marriage and improve the odds of success by taking these extra steps to make it work. There’s no lack of marital advice out there. It’s a matter of applied wisdom.

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  • Race Discrimination Isn’t Just About Skin Color

    Kingston Law Group

    New Jersey bans race-based hair discrimination in the workplace and other areas of public accommodation, thanks to a bill Gov. Murphy signed into law in December. Someone’s race can be visible in any number of ways, including hairstyles.

    The Create a Respectful and Open Workspace for Natural Hair Act (or CROWN Act) should cause employers to be more thoughtful about grooming and appearance policies and enforce them even-handedly.

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  • Getting Divorced? Social Media and the Internet May Not Be Your BFF

    Kingston Law Group

    If you’re getting divorced, you want the best possible outcome for yourself and your children and maybe even for your spouse. You want a smooth road to a new and better life. Damaging social media posts are like potholes. If you can’t control the ride, you will damage yourself. So, keep your hands on the wheel and off the keyboard.

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  • COVID-19 Impact: Unemployment Surge, Occupational Safety & Family Courts

    COVID-19 Impact: Unemployment Surge, Occupational Safety & Family Courts

    On June 10, 2020, at 1PM there will be a zoom webinar presented by Alisa McCabe of First Steps Financial, Hanan M. Isaacs, Esq. and Misty A.V. Avallone, Esq. from Kingston Law Group.

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  • Paid a Salary and Can’t Earn Overtime? Think Again.

    Kingston Law Group

    Depending on the size of your salary, you still may be entitled to time-and-a-half if you work more than 40 hours a week. Public policy discourages misclassification by employers who may declare someone salaried, not hourly, to avoid paying overtime. If your employer is committing wage theft, give us a call. Let the law straighten them out.

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  • Prevent Your Divorce? Make Your Marriage Succeed

    Kingston Law Group

    We often represent clients seeking to dissolve their marriages. That is a significant part of our business and income. Why would a family law firm ever suggest ways that divorce could be avoided? We care deeply about our clients and want what is in their short and long term best interests (the same high standard that applies to parental decision-making – understanding we are not the parents). Though divorce is the correct step for many couples, it can be the wrong answer for some. We believe…

    We often represent clients seeking to dissolve their marriages. That is a significant part of our business and income. Why would a family law firm ever suggest ways that divorce could be avoided? We care deeply about our clients and want what is in their short and long term best interests (the same high standard that applies to parental decision-making – understanding we are not the parents). Though divorce is the correct step for many couples, it can be the wrong answer for some. We believe it is a duty of family law counsel to question clients initially, at least, and sometimes later on in a case, to be sure the marriage is dead. We don’t want to bury a live marriage. An ounce of marital prevention may be worth a pound of divorce cure.

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  • “Can My Employer Say That?”

    Kingston Law Group

    NJ employers have broad leeway when it comes to managing employees. Stray comments bordering on rude or racist may not form the basis of an employee’s EEO claim. On the other hand, hurtful words are not permitted if they reinforce discriminatory bias. Judges don’t get involved in disputes between employers and employees — unless management is shown to have broken a statute, common law rule, or other strong statement of public policy.

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  • How a Parent’s Mental Illness Can Impact NJ Child Custody Part II

    Kingston Law Group

    In Part I, we discussed the impact of a parent’s mental illness on a dependent minor child, when a judge decides custody matters or the parents negotiate an out-of-court settlement. If a parent has been diagnosed with a mental illness or it’s under control with the help of medication, talk therapy, or both, then it may not be a live issue. But if you’ve reached a point where the illness impacts – or has a substantial capacity to do so – the child’s well-being, then a parent’s mental illness…

    In Part I, we discussed the impact of a parent’s mental illness on a dependent minor child, when a judge decides custody matters or the parents negotiate an out-of-court settlement. If a parent has been diagnosed with a mental illness or it’s under control with the help of medication, talk therapy, or both, then it may not be a live issue. But if you’ve reached a point where the illness impacts – or has a substantial capacity to do so – the child’s well-being, then a parent’s mental illness matters to everyone in the system.

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  • How a Parent’s Mental Illness Can Impact NJ Child Custody and Parenting Time Decisions: Part I of II

    Kingston Law Group

    The impact of mental illness on a parent and, indirectly, on a dependent minor child, may be a consideration when a judge decides custody matters, or the parents negotiate an out-of-court settlement. If a parent has been diagnosed with a mental illness or it’s under control with the help of medication, talk therapy, or both, then it may not be an issue. But if you’ve reached a point where the illness impacts the child’s welfare, then a parent’s mental illness matters to everyone in the system.

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  • Is Your NJ Non-Compete Provision Enforceable?

    Kingston Law Group

    A non-compete agreement or clause restricts what you can do after you leave your employer. Its enforceability is independent of whether you quit or get fired. Whether it’s enforceable depends on the specific language and terms of the non-compete. The language under one set of facts may be legally binding while in a different scenario perhaps not. The best time to understand your rights is before you sign, not after you’ve quit or been fired.

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  • Ownership of a Business Can be Part of the Assets Divided in a Divorce Proceeding

    Kingston Law Group

    Many topics must be addressed as part of an overall divorce. Child custody, how children are financially supported, dividing home equity and debts, even who gets how much time with the family dog. If one or both spouses have an ownership interest in a closely held business, however, there is going to be added complexity to the subject of equitable distribution.

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  • Associational Discrimination: When You are Penalized for Those You Support or With Whom You Have A Connection

    Kingston Law Group

    People at work often discuss their personal lives or things that are going on in the world. You may mention that you’re not Indian, your wife is. You may state you think it’s wrong to discriminate against African Americans. You may talk about your husband’s treatment for diabetes. If management learns about this and takes an adverse employment action against you because of your associations or ideas, sympathy for or relationship with someone who is different or unwell, it may violate state…

    People at work often discuss their personal lives or things that are going on in the world. You may mention that you’re not Indian, your wife is. You may state you think it’s wrong to discriminate against African Americans. You may talk about your husband’s treatment for diabetes. If management learns about this and takes an adverse employment action against you because of your associations or ideas, sympathy for or relationship with someone who is different or unwell, it may violate state and/or federal law.

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  • In New Jersey, Incarceration of a Parent May, but Need Not, Result in Termination of Parental Rights

    Kingston Law Group

    The Family Court will consider a parent’s misconduct, including his or her incarceration — for what reason and for how long – if the other parent or the State seeks to end the jailed or imprisoned parent’s parental rights. The mere fact that a person is in prison, in and of itself, does not mandate loss of parental rights, which are protected by federal and state constitutional law. However, depending upon the type of conviction, the length of sentence, and the type and location of the…

    The Family Court will consider a parent’s misconduct, including his or her incarceration — for what reason and for how long – if the other parent or the State seeks to end the jailed or imprisoned parent’s parental rights. The mere fact that a person is in prison, in and of itself, does not mandate loss of parental rights, which are protected by federal and state constitutional law. However, depending upon the type of conviction, the length of sentence, and the type and location of the facility, it may be difficult to impossible for the inmate parent to maintain a parental relationship with a child or children. Jails and prisons must provide for family engagement when safety and security allow it. Yet in some cases, it is either not possible or undesirable for those contacts to persist.

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  • New NJ Wage Theft Law

    Kingston Law Group

    It should be easier to collect back wages and benefits owed to you, thanks to a new New Jersey law that went into effect earlier this year. The law also steps up wage payment enforcement and increases penalties for those engaging in wage theft.

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  • How Debts are Divided in a NJ Divorce

    Kingston Law Group

    When most New Jerseyans think about divorcing, they focus on the “big ticket” items, like child custody and parenting time, child support, alimony, and division of assets. Here is an important topic that isn’t as attractive or compelling to most people: allocation and division of debts.

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  • Service Animals, Peacocks, and Clowns: Oh My!

    Kingston Law Group

    If you need a service or emotional support animal to work, your NJ employer should try to reasonably accommodate you, but there is a lot of fine print along with that. The closer you are to a traditional service animal situation (someone is blind and uses a service dog) the better your chances. The more you’re pushing the traditional envelope, the greater the likelihood your employer may legally refuse your request.

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  • Caring for a Child? Become the Guardian Instead

    Kingston Law Group

    Many grandparents, aunts, and uncles are caring for children who are not their own. These are often children of parents who are unwilling or unable to care for them. They may be substance abusers, seriously ill, incarcerated, mentally incapacitated, or in active military service outside of the country. If you are such a caregiver, it’s a good idea to have the legal powers that come with being a parent.

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  • President Trump Sets a Bad Example for America’s Employers

    Kingston Law Group

    The Trump Organization, the network of businesses owned by President Donald J. Trump, employs an estimated 22,000 people. If Mr. Trump ever made a statement about an employee similar to the one he made about a group of four female, non-white, Democratic Members of Congress, it would be used as evidence of unlawful, discriminatory and retaliatory bias, according to the workplace norms stated on the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s website.

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  • NJ Appellate Division Establishes New Legal Standard for In-State Child Relocation Cases: Sets Precedent

    Kingston Law Group

    New Jersey has a statute of longstanding, N.J.S.A. 9:2-4 that prevents a parent from removing a child permanently from New Jersey to an out-of-state location, unless the removing parent obtains the consent of the other parent or an order of the trial court. In practice, the words of the statute have remained unchanged for decades, but the Supreme Court, Appellate Division, and trial courts have engaged in interpretation and re-interpretation of the law for many years. Some judicial…

    New Jersey has a statute of longstanding, N.J.S.A. 9:2-4 that prevents a parent from removing a child permanently from New Jersey to an out-of-state location, unless the removing parent obtains the consent of the other parent or an order of the trial court. In practice, the words of the statute have remained unchanged for decades, but the Supreme Court, Appellate Division, and trial courts have engaged in interpretation and re-interpretation of the law for many years. Some judicial interpretations favored the resisting parent; some the removing parent.

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  • Can You Be Fired for a Positive Marijuana Drug Test in NJ? Maybe Not.

    Kingston Law Group

    It’s legal in New Jersey to use marijuana for prescribed medical reasons. Many of the state’s employers use drug testing to screen job applicants and terminate employees. A recent NJ court decision sheds much needed light on this developing area of law.

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  • A Gray Divorce Could Leave You With A Lot Less Green

    Kingston Law Group

    Any divorce is stressful, but one filed later in life can cause serious repercussions: emotionally, physically and financially. A bad marriage is no recipe for success either. However, depending on your situation, perhaps your spouse and you can live separate lives while avoiding the financial harms some divorces inflict.

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  • Job Interviews are Hard Enough. Illegal Questions Add Insult to Injury.

    Kingston Law Group

    You have applied for this great job. Maybe you’ve been unemployed for a while or you’re stuck in a dead-end position. You’re excited and prepared for this interview, knowing there are others in the same boat as you, trying to make progress professionally and financially. Then things get weird. You’re getting interview questions that have nothing to do with the job or your qualifications. They are asking questions about your personal life and family plans. What do you do?

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  • Employment Law: The Results of Reporting Sexual Harassment are a Crap Shoot

    Kingston Law Group

    If you’re the victim of workplace sexual harassment, you should file an internal complaint about the incidents. You may dread talking about what you’ve endured, including assaultive behavior, degrading actions, and foul language. You may fear retaliation in response, but the reality is, to best protect your legal and human rights, you must file a complaint where you work.

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  • Family Law: Suicide Doesn’t End Your Obligations Under a Divorce Agreement

    Kingston Law Group

    An ex-spouse may have any number of financial obligations to his or her former spouse or children. These obligations continue even after death, as long as the deceased’s estate has money that may pay them. In May the New Jersey Supreme Court upheld a claim by the ex-wife of the deceased against his estate due to obligations agreed to in their settlement agreement.

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  • NJ Employee Fails to Show Retaliation After Complaints of Harassment

    Kingston Law Group

    Plaintiff Nicole Prager filed a lawsuit against her employer, Joyce Honda, Inc., alleging retaliation and constructive discharge. While working as a receptionist for defendant dealership, Prager claims that a customer harassed her by tugging at her off-the-shoulder shirt and exposing her bra. She promptly complained to management, who reviewed the incident on the security footage, and asked if she wanted to press charges.

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  • Keeping N.J. Kids Out of th Crosshairs During a Divorce

    Kingston Law Group

    As family law attorneys, we’ve guided hundreds of clients and their families through difficult divorces. Here at Kingston Law Group, we work towards the best outcome for everybody involved, especially when it comes to children.

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  • I Want to Be Your Lawyer. That Doesn’t Mean I Can.

    I Want to Be Your Lawyer. That Doesn’t Mean I Can.

    The practice of law is a professional service. It’s unlike being in business where owners and managers should act ethically, but if they don’t, they merely face the possibility of an angry customer or a bad reputation. Attorneys, if they don’t act ethically, may be suspended from the practice of law or permanently lose their ability to work as an attorney.

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  • Sexual Harassment Can Happen Anywhere, Even in a Judge’s Chambers

    Kingston Law Group

    No part of society is immune from sexual harassment, including the federal court system. Federal court is where many employment discrimination cases are filed and there are federal judges who may be deciding them who have sexually harassed others.

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  • New Jersey Divorce: How Financial Advisors Can Ensure a Smoother Breakup

    Kingston Law Group

    Fights over money has traditionally been considered one of the leading causes of divorce in the United States. A study by the American Psychological Association confirms that nearly 75% of Americans experience stress over finances some of the time, and about 25% feel extreme and persistent financial stress, CNBC reports. Add this financial insecurity to an already stressed marriage and you have a recipe for disaster.

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  • Will Labor Union and Working-Class Support for President Trump Backfire in 2020?

    Kingston Law Group

    In his second campaign for President of the United States, Donald Trump will predictably position himself as a champion of the people who would “keep America great.” Fed up with Wall Street, Washington, and the national media, many white, working class Americans supported Trump in 2016, believing that he would change things. It seems they were right: President Trump has changed things, but it might not turn out the way those constituents had hoped.

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  • Do Supplemental Security Income or Social Security Disability Payments Affect NJ Child Support Obligations?

    Kingston Law Group

    New Jersey law requires both divorcing parents to provide financial support to children. This may be calculated under the New Jersey Child Support Guidelines (CSG). Child support obligations for most middle-income couples are generally based on the income of each party, the alimony one party may pay to the other, and the amount of overnights each party spends with the child or children per year.

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  • Do Employees Accused of Sexual Harassment Have the Right to Due Process?

    Kingston Law Group

    “Due process” is a right afforded to U.S. citizens by our Constitution’s fifth and fourteenth amendments. It covers government acts, not those of private citizens or employers. Though we all want a fair shake if we’re accused of wrongdoing in the workplace, unless we’re a government employee or working under a contract (including a union contract), the nature and scope of disciplinary proceedings rests in the employer’s discretion.

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  • “What Are My Options If My Spouse Contests the Divorce?”

    Kingston Law Group

    Is there such a thing in New Jersey as a contested cause of action for divorce? If so, what is it, and how does it work?

    When one spouse decides to fight the divorce itself, and not just the important underlying issues, this tends to complicate the process for the other party. Understanding what this means will help you figure out your available options.

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  • Investigation of Workplace Discrimination Complaints: What Are Your Rights?


    Many laws in the area of workplace relations require employers to perform investigations, which fulfill their various obligations under the laws. The general duty of any employer — who either is or should be aware of any type of discrimination, harassment, threat, retaliation, or safety problem — is to take immediate and effective corrective action to solve the problem. To know whether an investigation is even necessary, the employer must preemptively collect and examine the facts. Employers…

    Many laws in the area of workplace relations require employers to perform investigations, which fulfill their various obligations under the laws. The general duty of any employer — who either is or should be aware of any type of discrimination, harassment, threat, retaliation, or safety problem — is to take immediate and effective corrective action to solve the problem. To know whether an investigation is even necessary, the employer must preemptively collect and examine the facts. Employers that fail to investigate such issues are at serious risk of losing claims or lawsuits brought by the employees or former employees affected by the asserted problem.

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  • “If NJ divorcing parents can’t agree, then which parent determines our children’s religious upbringing?”

    Kingston Law Group

    New Jersey is an ethnically, racially, and religiously diverse state, where interfaith marriages are common. The breakup of interfaith marriages is also common and parents sometimes disagree over the religious education and upbringing of a shared child. The parties should try to work out an agreement that’s mutually acceptable, but if there is no such agreement or it’s poorly written, New Jersey law generally favors giving these decisions to the parent with primary physical custody (measured by…

    New Jersey is an ethnically, racially, and religiously diverse state, where interfaith marriages are common. The breakup of interfaith marriages is also common and parents sometimes disagree over the religious education and upbringing of a shared child. The parties should try to work out an agreement that’s mutually acceptable, but if there is no such agreement or it’s poorly written, New Jersey law generally favors giving these decisions to the parent with primary physical custody (measured by day-to-day responsibilities for the children, psychological bonding, and number of overnights the children spend with him or her). Both parents almost always share joint legal custody – input into major decisions affecting a child’s health, education, and welfare. That has nothing to do with primary physical custody.

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  • Fired for Corpulence: Do NJ and Federal Law Prohibit Workplace Discrimination Based on Weight?

    Kingston Law Group

    Obesity affects nearly 1 in 3 Americans and has become so pervasive that the American Medical Association (“AMA”) declared it a disease in 2013. Despite accounting for more than 30% of the population, in the workplace overweight employees are statistically disadvantaged and discriminated against. Academic studies from both Yale and Vanderbilt say that overweight workers experience unfair and negative treatment 12 times more than their thinner co-workers.

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  • Counsel Fees and Costs in New Jersey Family Court Actions: The Mechanics of Obtaining an Award

    Kingston Law Group

    Across the spectrum of NJ Family Court cases, the financial and emotional costs can be high. Emotional upheaval should be handled in therapy: family, individual, separation counseling, and the like. This post focuses on funding the “financial cost” in divorce. In many family law cases, the trial court has the power to award you counsel fees and costs, directing (ordering) the other party to pay some or all of them. On such a request, the trial court (or motion judge) must take into…

    Across the spectrum of NJ Family Court cases, the financial and emotional costs can be high. Emotional upheaval should be handled in therapy: family, individual, separation counseling, and the like. This post focuses on funding the “financial cost” in divorce. In many family law cases, the trial court has the power to award you counsel fees and costs, directing (ordering) the other party to pay some or all of them. On such a request, the trial court (or motion judge) must take into consideration the financial resources of each party, as well as the context of the dispute. When it is clear that one party has acted “unreasonably”, in “bad faith”, or caused the other party to expend resources to enforce a prior court order, the trial court’s mandate should be to make the injured party “whole”, as much as reimbursed fees and costs can do so.

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  • Can My Employer Discriminate Against Me Because of My Sexual Orientation?

    Kingston Law Group

    If you’re employed in New Jersey you have legal protection under the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination (NJLAD). The main federal law which covers most employment discrimination claims, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, doesn’t explicitly cover sexual orientation. Plaintiff’s lawyers have had some success in cases where sexual orientation is an issue, but it’s an uphill climb.

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  • Never Underestimate Your Opponent

    Kingston Law Group

    “Never underestimate your opponent.” This is good advice, whether you’re playing golf, checkers, or suing someone. Letting your guard down because you assume the other side isn’t up to the task of beating you can be a recipe for disaster in the courtroom. That’s why our law firm’s trial preparation is so thorough. You can’t take anything for granted, and we don’t.

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  • The Children And I Are Victims Of Parental Alienation: What Is Our Recourse Under NJ Law?

    Kingston Law Group

    Divorce is a stressful event for parents and children alike, and sometimes parents react to the stress of divorce in destructive ways, to self and others. Parental Alienation has gained recognition in recent years as a condition that can cause extreme psychological harm to the children of divorce and their alienated parent.

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  • Whistleblower Protection in New Jersey: What Are Your Rights?

    Kingston Law Group

    We represent employees who stand up against management, do the right thing, and are punished as a result. We stand by them to get their lives and their finances back together and hold wrongdoing employers accountable for breaking the law. Acting as a whistleblower and reporting illegal acts to upper management or to a government agency takes a lot of guts. We respect our clients’ integrity, fight to protect their legal rights and interests, and seek the full measure of their economic justice…

    We represent employees who stand up against management, do the right thing, and are punished as a result. We stand by them to get their lives and their finances back together and hold wrongdoing employers accountable for breaking the law. Acting as a whistleblower and reporting illegal acts to upper management or to a government agency takes a lot of guts. We respect our clients’ integrity, fight to protect their legal rights and interests, and seek the full measure of their economic justice and civil rights.

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  • New Jersey Association of Professional Mediators Accredited Professional Mediator


  • New Jersey Supreme Court Complementary Dispute Resolution Committee

    Committee Member

  • New Jersey State Bar Association Family Law Dispute Resolution Section

    Past Chair

  • American Bar Association Family Law, Litigation, Dispute Resolution Sections


  • Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, New Jersey Chapter


  • Association of Family and Concilation Courts, New Jersey Chapter


  • Family Law Section | Small Firm / Solo Firm Section of New Jersey State Bar Association


  • Mercer County Bar Association Family Law Section


  • National Employment Lawyers Association

    Board of Directors Member

  • Somerset County Bar Association


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