

NJ ZIP Phase 3 has recently been approved by the NJEDA Board. The information on this website will be updated shortly. 

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New Jersey Zero-Emission Incentive Program: Voucher Pilot for Medium Duty and Heavy Vehicles

NJ ZIP is a $90M million voucher pilot launched by New Jersey Economic Development Authority (NJEDA) for Medium and Heavy Duty Zero-Emission Vehicles. This pilot is funded by Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) proceeds allocated to NJEDA for the purposes of reducing harmful emissions, especially in communities disproportionately impacted by transportation emissions, and creating economic opportunity within the state. The program will provide vouchers with base values ranging between $20,000 to $175,000.

The goal of the program is to accelerate the adoption and use of zero-emission medium and heavy-duty vehicles within New Jersey; to reduce emissions within the state; and to continue to allow NJEDA to determine and stimulate market-readiness, assess effectiveness of funding levels and program design, and test methodologies for measuring economic impact of such adoption.  The pilot is being used as a vehicle to support the growth of the NJ zero-emission vehicle ecosystem, with accelerated adoption of zero-emission vehicles being the first step to attracting more jobs and investment, as other zero-emission vehicle programs and regulations roll out across multiple state agencies.



NJ ZIP Phase 1 & 2 Voucher Overview


Total voucher pool

Figures as of February 10th, 2025

Phase 1


Voucher applications received


Active vouchers approved




Phase 2


Voucher applications received


Active vouchers approved




”NJ ZIP is a fantastic resource for small businesses like mine to afford transitioning to an electric fleet as we strive to reduce our carbon footprint and the additional bonus it provides gives woman-owned minority businesses, like mine, the opportunity for progress.” 

-NJ Zip Phase 1 Approved Applicant

Phase 2 Information:

Phase 2: Eligibility & Compliance Requirements

To be eligible, an applicant must be:

  • Be a commercial, industrial, or institutional organization registered in New Jersey.
  • In tax compliance
  • In good standing with the New Jersey Department of labor and New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
  • Must purchase and register a new zero emission Class 2b – Class 8 vehicle for commercial, industrial, or institutional use within 12 months of voucher reservation
  • Must operate 75% of vehicle miles in NJ and register vehicle in NJ

Project Vehicle Eligibility

To be eligible, applicant new vehicle(s) must be:

  • A new zero emission vehicle. Retrofits and repowers of vehicles already owned by the Applicant are not eligible.
  • Purchased and registered within twelve months of receipt of voucher approval. An extension for up to an additional six months may be permitted and will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
  • Not a subject of VW or any other State funding for the same vehicle(s)
  • Procured from a Vendor that meets program eligibility requirements (detailed in the following section)

Note: Scrappage is not required, except for vehicles that are directly replacing a vehicle which is model year 2009 or older.

To be eligible, a vendor must:

  • Be registered or register to conduct business in NJ
  • Provide proof of a minimum of 12 months of experience selling or manufacturing eligible vehicles.
  • Provide a Tax Clearance Certificate
  • Provide documentation to support buyer applications and functionality of the vehicle:
  • A link to Vendor website that indicates eligible vehicles available for sale, and their related specifications
  • A specification sheet or, if custom vehicle, specification sheets for all major components, corroborating vehicle capabilities, charging/fueling needs, design appropriate to Applicant’s planned use, and eligibility
  • Timeline and process/plans by which Vendor intends to comply with the terms of the voucher (e.g., delivery of vehicle, development of charging/fueling plans, implementation of maintenance plan, etc.) prior to expiration of voucher
  • Agree to accept the Program’s voucher amount as a portion of the Applicant’s final vehicle payment, deducting the full voucher(s) amount from the upfront cost.

EJ Community/ Overburdened Community:

An Overburdened Community (OBC), as defined by the law, is any census block group, as determined in accordance with the most recent United States Census, in which:

  • at least 35 percent of the households qualify as low-income households (at or below twice the poverty threshold as determined by the United States Census Bureau);
  • at least 40 percent of the residents identify as minority or as members of a State recognized tribal community; or
  • at least 40 percent of the households have limited English proficiency (without an adult that speaks English “very well” according to the United States Census Bureau).

Click here for NJ Communities Document.

Institutional: As defined in the Global Warming Solutions Fund regulation (N.J.A.C. 7:27D-1.2), “institutional” means serving a non-profit or public purpose, such as a library, hospital, public school, institution of higher education, municipal utility, public recreation or cultural facility, or government entity. The term “government entity” includes local and municipal government entities, but for the purposes of this pilot, State government entities are not eligible.

Small business: For the purposes of this Program, a small business is defined as having 25 or fewer full time employees in total OR less than $5M in annual revenue.

Phase 1: Information Archive

The NJ ZIP is a pilot voucher program, with a Phase 1 voucher pool of $44.25M. Phase 1 of this pilot supported businesses and institutions purchasing new, medium-duty zero-emission vehicles (for this phase defined as Class 2b- Class 6) that will operate in the greater Camden, Newark, New Brunswick, and greater Shore areas. This pilot is funded by the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) proceeds allocated to NJEDA for the purposes of reducing harmful emissions, especially in communities disproportionately impacted by transportation emissions, and creating economic opportunity within the state. The Phase 1 pilot program provides vouchers with base values ranging between $25,000 to $100,000.

NJEDA’s right to audit and verify compliance with eligibility requirements post-voucher redemption, and agree to provide responses and data upon request to support such audits and verifications. For example, to verify vehicle miles traveled within the eligible pilot communities, NJEDA may request data such as but not limited to telematics, route maps, delivery histories, etc.

Permit the use by NJEDA of Applicant, Vendor, and vehicle data and information that is provided in the application and audit process, and that is not otherwise prohibited by law, for case studies and to support the development of future versions of this program, or future alternative programs.

Commit to displaying a visual indication on the commercial vehicle that it is a ZEV and that its purchase was subsidized through this program, meeting minimum standards or as materially provided by NJEDA (e.g., a bumper sticker, placard, etc.)


Trouble accessing the application portal? Trouble logging in? Call Customer Care at 844-965-1125

Questions about the program? Or about EVs? Call or text NJ ZIP Help Desk at 732-790-0663 or email at

For any other additional questions about this program, please reach out to

Phase 2 Purchaser Application Walk-Through


Phase 1 Purchaser Panel Discussion


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