
SCL Human Resources is excited to share the next spotlight on Cornell's Supervising@Cornell development program. The goal of these emails is to share training and resources to help strengthen your skills as a manager as you continue to support SCL's mission of inspiring transformation . If you missed any previous issues, you can review each of them below!

Recently, the university adopted a set of core values that includes "a community of belonging". This university core value mirrors the Leadership Skill for Success of Creating an Open and Inclusive Environment which we explore in this issue .

Creating an open and inclusive environment means creating a foundation of trust and respect, which encourages staff to be their authentic selves and to share their opinions and ideas freely. This in turn makes staff feel valued, which increases morale, productivity, and overall job satisfaction of each employee, and can cultivate a high performing team. Furthermore, successful and engaged teams can help organizations become desirable places to work and therefore attract and retain top talent.

We encourage you to complete the university training modules and review the additional resources below to assist you in finding the ways to make your working environment welcoming and inclusive to all.

Stay tuned for details about the upcoming SCL Supervisor Networking Event to connect and discuss this leadership skill in person!
Cassie Palladino and Dana Burton
SCL Human Resources
Supervising@Cornell Training Modules
Creating an Open and Inclusive Environment
As with each course, there is an introductory video that features thoughts around this topic from two senior leaders--Angela Winfield, Director of Inclusion of Workforce Diversity, and SCL's very own Vijay Pendakur. Angela and Vijay discuss the importance of demonstrating a sense of belonging and discuss their strategies on how to cultivate this type of culture.
The Inclusion@Cornell course leads you through eight unique training modules on the following topics, providing underlying principles, tips, and a self-action plan for you to consider.

Topics include:
  • Compliance: Review prohibited discrimination and the bare minimum Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action (EEO/AA) requirements
  • Diversity Initiative: Review of Cornell's Diversity Initiatives and the role of diversity councils
  • Creating Trust: Understanding the importance of trust as the foundation of success
  • Demonstrating Respect: Connecting respect to staff feeling valued and like they belong
  • Inviting Ideas: Discusses the benefits of making space for employees to share their perspectives
  • Integrating flexibility: Flexible work options recognize people can work effectively in different ways
  • Speak-Up: Demonstrates how talking about inclusion reinforces this is a value for your team
  • Acknowledging People: Recognizing your staff for the work they do is critical to staff engagement

After completing the Inclusion@Cornell course, there are supplemental training opportunities provided by the university that we highlight below. Additionally, you will notice placeholders listed for training, information, and learning labs that are still in progress and will be shared in the future.
Additional Resources
The university included additional SkillSoft training modules that provide great supplemental information around this topic to help you further enhance your understanding the importance of inclusivity in the workplace. Below we will highlight one of these but encourage you to review the rest.
Bridging the Diversity Gap
Workplace diversity is more than just about gender, race, background or education level. It also includes different thoughts, values, ideas, perspectives and everything that makes each of us unique. This short training will review different approaches to embracing diversity and barriers organizations may face, including stereotypes and prejudice, when implementing these approaches. However, when we become aware of our assumptions and change judgement to curiosity, we can arrive at the ultimate benefits of having a diverse workforce - increased employee morale, productivity and organizational success!
SCL Initiatives around Belonging
Do you know how SCL is promoting a sense of belonging in our workplace? Check out these awesome initiatives and resources!

  • SCL ACE Recognition Program: A great way to recognize your staff and colleagues within SCL
  • SCL Belonging at Cornell Council: Will work to create experience and communities that deepen SCL staffs' sense of belonging
  • SCL Learn With Us Opportunities: Learn about a variety of topics from your own SCL colleagues. Mark your calendar for Making the Non-Visible Visible: Exploring the Experiences of Staff with Disabilities presented by Erin Sember-Chase on November 20, 2019, 12 - 1pm at Willard Straight Hall in the Memorial Room.
Did you miss the last SCL Supervising@Cornell issue?

For further questions about Supervising@Cornell please contact Cassie Palladino, or  Dana Burton,
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