Whitman Doubles Down To Expand Scholarships & Aid
College Now Matching Major Gifts to Scholarship Endowment

Building on a strong commitment to student access and affordability, Whitman College is now matching major gifts toward student scholarships through the Upward Together campaign. The match program will move the college closer to the goal of meeting the full financial need of all students by expanding both need-based and merit-based scholarships.
The Board of Trustees approved the initiative at a March 1, 2024, meeting in order to accelerate philanthropy for scholarships.
“We passionately believe that the world needs Whitman alumni, who graduate equipped to be tomorrow’s leaders—thinking critically, communicating persuasively, collaborating across differences and solving the complex challenges of our time,” says Board of Trustees Chair Joe Davis ’80. “We want all students to have access to this opportunity. That’s why we are creating this Upward Together matching initiative for major gift donors and why I will give to this cause.”
Investing in the Future & Talented Students
Whitman will provide a 1:1 match of college funds to be co-invested with alumni and family gifts of $50,000 or more to new or existing scholarship endowments. This effort builds on more than $65 million in scholarship gifts and commitments already made through Upward Together.
“I am deeply grateful to members of our board and to alumni and families who continue to invest generously to expand scholarships of all kinds and to make a Whitman education possible for all talented students,” says President Sarah Bolton.
“It is exciting to see members of our alumni community stepping up, including emerging leaders who are choosing this moment to make the first major gifts of their lifetimes.”
Through Upward Together, the college is securing philanthropy to extend to all students the promise of meeting their full financial need. A historic gift of $10 million from J. Walter “Walt” Weingart and Kathie Weingart enabled the college to meet the full financial need of all Washington state students beginning with the fall 2023 first-year class.
Launched in October 2023, Upward Together has brought in a total of $163 million in alumni and family gifts and commitments to date toward a goal of $200 million. Among other strategic investments, the campaign is making possible a transformational investment in the campus as work is now underway for a new residential village to expand community and student thriving at Whitman.
Alumni and families interested in learning more about the scholarship endowment matching initiative can contact the college’s development staff at development@whitman.edu or 509-527-5165.