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Division III Academics

Division III AcademicsAcademics are the primary focus for Division III student-athletes. Participation in athletics is a way to enhance this priority, as it provides valuable life lessons for student-athletes such as teamwork, discipline, perseverance and leadership, which often translate into becoming a better student and more responsible citizen. Data supports this idea, too. Division III student-athletes graduate at a rate of 5% higher than that of the general student body.
Student-athletes most often attend a college or university in Division III because of the excellent academic programs, creating a primary focus on learning and achievement of their degree. The division minimizes the conflicts between athletics and academics through shorter playing and practice seasons, the number of contests, out-of-season organized activities and a focus on regional in-season and conference play. Student-athletes are integrated on campus and treated like all other members of the general student-body, keeping them focused on being a student first.
Division III schools on average have the smallest median enrollment (1,751) of the three divisions, often creating higher professor-to-student ratios and more personal learning environments.
In Division III, athletes must meet the admissions standards set by the school as opposed to divisional standards as in Divisions I and II.