When I first came to Al‑Anon, there were only two books and some pamphlets. There weren’t multiple daily readers or books on special subjects. The Twelve Steps seemed too complicated for me, and we seldom talked about the Traditions at the meetings I attended.

But the little Just for Today wallet card (M-10) was just what I needed. It offered specific “directions” on how to begin to have a more serene and less complicated life.

I tried to pick one idea each day and practice doing what it suggested. Focusing on one thing at a time helped to slow my mind down. I taped the card to my bathroom mirror to remind me of what I chose to do each day.

I often used the Just for Today card when I felt stressed and overwhelmed. Looking at my copy now, I see that I highlighted these lines: “Just for today I will try to live through this day only,” and “Just for today I will have a program.” I did that when the COVID-19 pandemic was occurring and everything in our world was changing.

The Just for Today card helped me so much when I started coming to Al‑Anon. It helped whenever I was feeling overwhelmed, and it still helps me today when I need to slow down my thinking and focus on what is best to do “Just for Today.”

By Jacqueline W., Oregon

The Forum, February 2024


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