Bellevue Family 4th

This event is in the past
Tuesday, July 4, 2023, 5–10:30 pm
Bellevue Downtown Park Bellevue (Seattle)
This is an in-person event
All Ages
Bop along to live music and grab grub from over 20 on-site food trucks while you celebrate the nation's founders, or whatever. Thirty-one years strong, Bellevue Family 4th is one of those safe, fam-friendly gatherings that reminds you that picnicking in a big crowd is actually kinda fun. Throughout the afternoon, blues, rock, and folk acts will take the stage, but make sure to stick around until 10:05 pm for a "spectacular" fireworks show, which will be synchronized with a live performance by Bellevue Youth Symphony Orchestra. by Lindsay Costello

Event Location

Bellevue Downtown Park

10201 NE Fourth St Bellevue, WA 98004

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