Live Worship from Watoto Suubi Village. Recorded at Watoto Worship Camp

Shepherd (Live) | WATOTO & Friends

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A collection of songs that remind us that God is the only one who deserves all "Anthems & Accolades" - Brad & Rebekah's latest EP.
Videos from Watoto Child Care - Worship Camp Recaps and Song featuring Watoto
Life Again from Brad & Rebekah / Musical testimony of Rebekah’s health journey. Songs of prayer, wellness, hope and a reminder in all seasons to Rejoice in the an amazing God who’s love goes beyond our understanding.
Worship happens first at home... maybe it took a global pandemic to remind us to pause more often and sing over our home songs of God's faithfulness, love and goodness. From our home to yours we pray these songs and moments encourage you today. B+R