HAMBURG, N.Y.(WIVB)– In a time where people with disabilities are facing a residential crisis, People Inc is working to ease the burden on families and caregivers.

The organization is providing a new transitional housing opportunity on the corner of Wayside Drive and Roberts Road in the Town of Hamburg. On Tuesday, employees and community members gathered for “On Our Way at Wayside”, a housewarming celebration for the training apartments. The goal is to prepare differently-abled residents for self-reliant living while they develop skills through hands-on learning.

“It encourages independence, personal growth, and staff will come here and help them with grocery shopping, budgeting, or meal planning. Things that you and I would learn at home with our parents and take for granted ,” said Concetta Ferguson, senior vice president at People Inc.

The building is fitted with three suites like apartments, each with its own bathroom and sitting area. A shared laundry and kitchen area complete the setting. Tenants will live there for three to nine months, tracking their progress with community living.

“If they can move here and go out into the community it opens up more opportunities for those that are on the incredibly long waitlist for certified living.”

Hamburg Town Supervisor Jim Shaw says he welcomes having the housing program in the “Town that Friendship Built.”

“We should characterize ourselves as the town that kindness sustains. The more we can do to help People Inc and organizations like it, the more we create a viable community and enhance the quality of life for everyone who lives here.”

Kelly Khatib is a digital reporter who has been part of the News 4 team since 2019. See more of her work here.