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General Conference 2020

The 2020 United Methodist General Conference 
April 23 – May 3, 2024,
at Charlotte Convention Center in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Post-General Conference webinar video

General Conference Updates

Wrap-up Video: General Conference 2020

May 3 General Conference Update

Watch as Bishop Berlin gives us a final update from General Conference 

Regionalization Update

Bishop Tom Berlin and Bishop Mande Muyombo of the North Katanga Episcopal Area of the Congo discuss the new Regionalization plan for the worldwide United Methodist Church.

Video by United Methodist Communications

Revised Social Principles Discussion with Rev. Esther Rodriguez Perez, Rev. Clarke Campbell-Evans and Rev. Sharon Austin

May 2 Update:  Recent Changes in UMC Legislation - Bishop Tom Berlin

May 2 General Conference Update
Today at General Conference we commissioned missionaries who will go out into all parts of the world sharing the good news of Christ, granted sacramental authority to deacons, and passed the Revised Social Principles. Hear about what all this means in Bishop Berlin's latest update.

May 1 General Conference Update
Watch as Bishop Berlin gives an update on today's events, from opening worship to legislation passed that impacts our denomination.

Today, General Conference delegates from around the world voted 93% in favor to remove language in the Book of Discipline preventing ordination of LGBTQ+ clergy and prohibiting clergy from performing same-gender weddings. Bishop Tom Berlin gives an update on what this means for The Florida Conference.

Catch up on all the exciting updates from General Conference in Bishop Berlin's latest video summary.
From the vital work of Women in Faith to the growth of Africa University producing leaders in
various fields across the continent, the worldwide impact of United Methodists is truly remarkable.

Regionalization Legislation Passes
Regionalization legislation passed by 78% on Thursday. This means that while we will remain united by our shared doctrine and theology, this legislation will allow each area of the world to do ministry in its own context.  Take a look at this video to learn more.

General Conference Updates

Council of Bishops - Facebook

General Conference News and Commentary

To grow, The United Methodist Church needs young people and that starts by listening to them

Young people share fears, hopes for future church

General Conference delegates move with unusual speed to pass regionalization

Bishop urges ‘spirit of hope’ as General Conference begins


Find on-demand videos of the daily General Conference plenary sessions,  worship services and special events. 


About General Conference

General Conference is the top policy-making body of The United Methodist Church. The assembly meets at the beginning of each quadrennium to consider revisions to church law, as well as adopt resolutions on current moral, social, public policy and economic issues. It also approves plans and budgets for church-wide programs for the next four years.

Florida General Conference Delegation

Church court: No new elections needed for GC2024 - December 13, 2022

Judicial Council Decision Number 1451 regarding delegates to 2024 General and Jurisdictional Conferences