prayer group

Josh Provow


Meet Josh Provow, IM Missionary to Bulgaria

Hi! My name is Josh and together with my five kids, I am one of your church planters in the country of Bulgaria. I have been serving in Bulgaria since July 2015, most recently serving in the city of Shumen and the surrounding villages. Even though our lives got turned upside down in June 2021, one thing remains clear: God has big plans for our family in Bulgaria! The best is yet to come!

Why Bulgaria?

My family and I relocated to Shumen in June of 2018. The reason was very simple: the Shumen Province has a very large Turkish population, among which only about .01% know Christ as Lord.

If you venture outside of the city, you will find scores of Turkish villages, almost none of which have any sort of Christian presence. Almost everyone in these villages considers themselves to be Muslim, but when the daily calls to prayer go out over the mosque’s siren, no one stops and prays. The mosque sits empty and the imams are mainly called on for holidays, weddings, and funerals. The spiritual literacy is so low, that many people believe that the Koran is the Turkish translation of the Bible and that Mohammed is the Turkish name of Jesus Christ.

Praise God, little by little, conversation by conversation, the light of the gospel is reaching into some of these dark places!

8 Unreached People Groups in Bulgaria

How you can pray for the Provows

  • My teammates Brenton and Debbie Driscoll, as they lead the church in Shumen.
  • The church in Shumen, as they continue to reach out and grow despite numerous challenges.
  • The Bible study in the village of Vehtovo, that they would resume meeting and reading stories about the life of Jesus.
  • My family, as we continue to heal and prepare for our return to Bulgaria.

Josh Provow

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Total population of Bulgaria

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You can partner with Josh to reach the people in Bulgaria with the Gospel.

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